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 The Roadrunner - July , 1989                                                   PAGE 1 | PAGE 2| PAGE 3 | PAGE 4 | PAGE 5 | PAGE 6 | PAGE 7 | PAGE 8 | PAGE 9 | PAGE 10
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"Teamwork makes it happen" 
Says incoming district governor Knudson 

Glenn Knudson, DTM, District
3's newly elected District
Governor, took office July 1, 1989.
His theme for the coming year is
"Teamwork Makes It Happen."
The veteran Toastmaster is a
member of Word Processors. Along with his wife, Mary Knudson, CTM, Radiant Toasters, Glenn has long been active in district affairs. In addition to his many other offices, Glenn developed, and for many years managed, the district data base.

His easy self-deprecating humor and gentle style Glenn a favorite in the district. The Toastmasters of District 3 welcome him as their new team leader and look forward to seeing teamwork make it happen. 

Was it ten years ago?
That Jesse Owens was the keynote speaker at the fall conference and District 3 Toastmasters were privileged to hear his last public speech? 

That there was an Ineligible Speech Contest at the state conference for district, division and area officers? 

That Mary Margaret Dockendorff was Outstanding carefully, for welcome him as
Area Governor? 
 (Courtesy Virginia Anders, DTM,, District 3 Historian.)

Jim Davis says farewell at Tucson banquet

District 3's teddy-bear of a Governor, warm, smiling and energetic jim Davis, DTM, said his farewells and thank-you's to the Toastmasters of District 3 at the spring conference evening banquet in Tucson on May 20, 1989.

Acknowledging his debts to his fellow Toastmasters and friends, and most especially to his ever-patient and supportive wife, Debbie, Jim passed the torch to the incoming administration in a moving speech.

Jim's theme was "Toastmasters Educating Today and Tomorrow." Certainly the education Toast-masters received trom the sessions at this final conference of Jim's administration proved lust how exhilarating such education can be.

Goodbye, Jim, and welcome to the world of regular Toastmasters!
Knudson wins chief post Wilson and Bristol complete leadership trio

It was tense there for a minute or two. A challenge was issued.
Glenn Knudson, DTM, current Educational Lieutenant Governor and considered a sure thing for election to District Governor faced a dark-horse challenger.

Juris Kursulis, DTM, former District 3 Governor, was nominated from the floor by Bill Crawford, DTM, former District 3 Governor and former Inter-national Director.
Thus challenged, Knudson rose to new heights of such rhetorical eloquence that Kursulis withdrew his bid. It was all in fun, of course, but it did add a bit of drama to District 3 elections held at the Holiday Inn Broadway in Tucson on May 20.

Geff Wilson, DTM, was elected Educational Lieutenant Governor, and Bill Bristol, DTM,.was elected Administrative Lieutenant Governor.

Division Lieutenant Governors -elect are Jo Ellis, ATM, Central; Clarice Lendriet, CTM, Downtown; Dee Dees, ATM, Eastern; Jodie Kay, ATM, Metro; George Barnett, DTM (1977/78 District 3 Governor), Northern; Laura Del Peschio, ATM, Saguaro, and Michael I. Mastrovito, ATM, Western.

1988 Outstanding Toastmasters
Kane wins top award

At the evening speech contest banquet, Glenn Pike, DTM, Paradise Valley, Phoenix Six to Niners and Valley, the 1985 District 3 Outstanding Toastmaster, began the ceremony honoring the 1988 Outstanding Toastmaster by recognizing Outstanding Toastmasters in the audience.

Bob Erickson, DTM (1983 Outstanding Toastmaster), Deane Erickson, DTM (1981), and Juris Kursulis, DTM (1975), joined Glenn in honoring those Toastmasters who have spent the time and effort necessary to achieve the award.

The division winners were
Richard Crawford, CTM, Apache
Division, Mary Margaret
Dockendorff, DTM, Central
Division, Elsie Smith, CTM,
Eastern Division, Dave Hiller,
DTM, Metro Division, Pat Berardi,
ATM, Saguaro Division, and Rita
Kane, DTM, Western Division.

(photo) Rita Kane, DTM, was the Outstanding Toastmaster of District 3 for 1988.
(photo) Geff Wilson, DTM
(photo) Bill Bristol, DTM
~dnC, L)~