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Leadership is the quality that transforms good intentions into positive action, it turns a group of individuals into a team.
-T. Boone Pickens

Spring conference enriches, revitalizes district 3 toastmasters
"If we see someone who doesn't have a smile, let's give him one of ours" With this rousing call to action, Frank Slane, DTM, Past International Director propelled District 3 Toastmasters toward an enriching day.

Speaking at the Holiday Inn Broadway in Tucson on May 20, 1989, Slane, the keynote speaker, advised the audience to "take time to pay a compliment, say a kind word, hug a friend..."

The morning started with the rousing Parade of Banners, announced by Jack Mackey, ATM.
The invocation was given by Betty Gillis, DTM, and Will Berry, DTM, led the singing of the national anthem.

Big, smiling, Jim Davis, DTM, District 3 Governor, welcomed the enthusiastic crowd of Toastmasters to Tucson.

The packed day that followed found Robert E. Barnhill, Ill, DTM, candidate for International Director, asking "Who Are the Leaders?"
Jim Norman, DTM, Park Central, Phoenix Six to Niners, demonstrated the theory of "Storyboarding Your Way to Success" with the help of fellow Toastmasters.

Harold Patterson, ATM, 1987 World Champion of Public Speaking, told District 3 Toastmasters to "Wrap Up Your Package and Give It Away," as he showed videotapes of winning international speeches.

Michael Sands, ATM, and
Cheryl Sands, ATM, Cochise
Toastmasters, played to an over-
flow crowd with "Winging It:
How to Survive and Excel at
Speaking Impromptu."

Tom Carter, DTM, District 56 Governor from Houston, Texas, discussed "This Question of Motivation."

The Hall of Fame Luncheon was headlined by Region III International Director Scoff Long, DTM, from Midland, Texas. Scott cogently discussed the need for quality, in America generally and in Toastmasters specifically.

The Hall of Fame Luncheon is always a special feature of the conference for Toastmasters receiving recognition for a long year of effort, and the applause and cheers showed how much these awards mean to those who work for them.

The rousing finale to the conference came at the evening banquet. Deane Erickson, DTM, was parade announcer. Jeff Young, ATM, Phoenix Six to Niners, Toastmaster of the evening, set the stage for an outstanding speech contest and kept the audience constantly entertained.

The evening was climaxed by District Governor urn Davis' fare-well to his year as governor.
From the warmth and gentle good advice of Frank Slane to the manic humor of Jeff Young, through all the variations in between, it was a day to enrich, and a day to revitalize the Toas-masters of District 3.

(photo) Distinguished Toastmasters pins were given to Glenn Pike, Paradise Valley and Valley and Richard Crawford, Aztec.

(photo) Recieving Able Toastmaster recognization at the Hall of Fame lunch were: front row;  William Brooks, Mary Lee Madison, Bud Bube, Patricia Beradi, Bev Burns, Peggy English, Richard Rosenthal, second row; Jodie Kay, Neal Nikolaisen, Ronne Roope, back row: Jim Williams, Mike Sands, Ron McCollar.

(photo) ATM-Bronze recognition at Hall of Fame lunch included: Michael Mastrovito, Perryville Connection, Mary Margaret Dockendorff, Ocotillo, and Patricia Berardi, Granada. 

(photo) Jim Norman, DTM
(photo) Jeff Young, ATM