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The Roadrunner - July , 1989                                              PAGE 1 | PAGE 2| PAGE 3 | PAGE 4 | PAGE 5 | PAGE 6 | PAGE 7 | PAGE 8 | PAGE 9 | PAGE 10
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Conference Quotes

In his keynote speech, "Good Intentions," Frank Slane pointed Out that the last time he address-ed District 3 Toastmasters "I talked to you about S.E.X. ... in just three short years that's been reduced to good intentions!"

Scott Long talking about Third International Vice President Candidate G. C. Brown, seen in the limbo contest at Friday night's affair, limboing his way to votes:
"I asked myself. 'How low will he go?'

Harold Patterson in his educa-tional session presented a video-tape of Roy Fenstermaker's inter-national winning speech. Roy quoted I. M. Barrie: "God gave us memory so we could have roses in December."

Patterson, in his own inter-national winning speech based it on a statement by painter Auguste Renoir to painter Henri Matisse; "The pain passes, but the beauty remains.

Finally, Frank slane, who did so much to make the conference worth remembering, presented this thought to carry in the heart: "The smallest good deed is better than the grandest good intention."

The roadrunner
What was the wildest, the wackiest, the most bizarre meeting your club ever had, or that you ever attended in Toast-masters? Let us know and we'll publish the most fascinating story or stories.
Dee Dees and Cindy Leshin compare notes during one of the enjoyable educational sessions.

Cavanaugh captures coveted cup
Brown and Falk garner honors

Brian did it again! With a speech full of musical memories, Brian Cavanaugh, CTM, Camel-back Toastmasters, and 19~ District 3 Speech Contest Winner, captured the 1989 spring speech contest winner's cup at the Holiday Inn Broadway, Tucson, on May 20th. Brian was represent-ing the Western Division.

Ed Brown, representing Downtown Division, won first runner-up honors with a thoughtful look at risk taking.

Sharon Beth FaIk, 1983 District 3 Speech Contest Winner, representing Central Division, took Second runner-up as she moved the audience with her memories of Moscow.

Carol Lewis represented
Apache Division, Mary Shultz,
Eastern, Sal Salazar, Metro, Ron
Roope, Northern, and alternate
Ted Hess represented Saguaro.

(photo) Julie Zandler, CTM, demonstrated how she used storyboarding techniques to organize her wedding activities.

(photo) Visiting dignitaries Scott Long, DTM, Region III International Director, Tom Carter, DTM, District 56 Governor, Jana Barnhill, DTM, Robert E. Barnhill, DTM, candidate for International Director, and G.C. Brown, candidate for International Third Vice President

(photo) Ed Brown, runner up, Brian Cavanaugh, winner, and  Sharon Beth Falk second runner-up, show off their Spring Speech Contest trophies.

(photo) Mo Brown, CTM, incoming S-3 Area Governor
(photo) Mike Herskovits ATM, accepts Chairmanship of District Photography