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 The Roadrunner - March 1989 - Page 1                                                       PAGE 1 | PAGE 2 | PAGE 3 | PAGE 4 | PAGE 5 | PAGE 6 | PAGE 7 | PAGE 8
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The Roadrunner -
volume 25, No.3 - Roadrunner Silver Anniversary Year. District 3 Toastmasters Quarterly Newsletter

In this issue:
Outstanding Toastmasters p3
Spring Conference p3
Prescott prospers p6
Educational Achievements p7
On the move p7
International Conference p7
Wagners move
Parliamentary procedure

Virginia Trudeazi of Vat Cat and Pueblo Orators still going strong on educational accomplishment..

Sid Farewell p 2
THU March 1989

Big rewards
Famous bounty hunter seeks wanted persons meeting the following description: dedicated, hard-working, committed Toast-masters interested in becoming District 3 Committee Members.
Big rewards are being offered. These include, but are not limited to: opportunity for service, op-portunity for working with other Toastmasters, and opportunity to learn.
For more information (or to turn yourself in!) contact famous bounty hunter Glenn Knudson, DTM, Educational Lt. Governor at 866-1719 (H) or 862-6162 (B).

Joel weldon to receive the honored Golden Cave? Award at International Conference. p.7

Don't get shut out!
Watch for the International Convention registration forms in upcoming Toastmaster magazine issues. Admission to the International Speech Contest (last year's attendance. 2100) will be by numbered ticket only. Register early, and don't get shut out! (See article in this issue and upcoming Toastmaster magazines for further details on the convention.)

they were
Outstanding they remain
By Karen Burr, ATM Roadrunner Editor

For Dan O'Mahony it's been fifteen years. Fifteen years since he put on a burst of speed that bested chief competitor Juris Kursulis to win the 1974 District 3 Outstanding Toastmaster Award. Yet Dan's Kachina club fellow members know they can still count on his presence, his experience and his intelligence. The qualities that made him outstand-ing in 1974 have kept him outstanding through all the intervening years. And if he isn't quite as active outside the club as he was for many years, you can only blame the quadruple bypass surgery (nature's little way of warning you to slow down) he had not too long ago.

What about Dan's 1974 competitor, Juris Kursulis? Juris showed the stern stuff he's made of. He came back and captured the 1975 Outstanding Toastmaster trophy. And became District Governor. And remains actively involved in District 3 activities, chairing a committee here, running a project there, participating in his Voice of Motorola meetings, speaking well in his club, in competition and for the Speaker's Bureau. Always, still, an Outstanding Toastmaster.

There's a "pair" of them down in Tucson. The Outstanding Toastmaster Couple, we might call them: Deane Erickson, 1981 Outstanding Toastmaster and Bob Erickson, 1983 Outstanding Toastmaster. Eyeopeners counts on them, and heaven knows the Dis-trict does! They have for some time now run telephone referral for the south, one of the jobs most crucial to the district's very survival, to say nothing of its growth. You can count on seeing them at every state conference, adding warmth and polish to the proceedings. Outstanding? Of course.

continued, page 2

(photo) Allan Meshew, ATM, district data base administrator, will handle registration for district spring conference

(photo) Still crazy (about each other) after all these years   Bob Erickson, District S 1983 Outstanding Toastmaster salutes Deane Erickson, 1981