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 The Roadrunner - March 1989 - Page 3                                                       PAGE 1 | PAGE 2 | PAGE 3 | PAGE 4 | PAGE 5 | PAGE 6 | PAGE 7 | PAGE 8

 The Roadrunner - March 1989 - Page 3                                                    PAGE 1 | PAGE 2 | PAGE 3 | PAGE 4 | PAGE 5 | PAGE 6 | PAGE 7 | PAGE 8
It's a time and a place for happiness and hugs

By Joan Makin, DTM,
Chirp 'n Choke, District 3 Judges Training Coordinator

May 1st is May Day. (Whatever happened to May baskets and May poles?)
May 14th is Mother's Day. (My mother has hers every day!)
May 29th is Memorial Day. (Huh? I always thought that was May 31st, and we made poppy posters!)

Oh, well, so I'm showing my age. But, one celebration in May causes "the child within me" to REALLY come out of hiding and show off: May 19th and 20th, the DISTRICT 3 SPRING CONFERENCE!!

Do you want to make new friends?
Do you want to renew friendships?
Do you need to be hugged-- LOTS?
Do you want to learn more about Toastmasters?
Do you need to revitalize your enthusiasm?
Do you need a "pick me up that doesn't contain caffeine, nicotine or drugs?
Do you want to listen to the BEST speakers in District 3?
Do you want to receive the recognition earned by your club and yourself?
Do you want to have F U N? 
If you answered "yes" to at least one of the above, then you are ready for the Spring Conference. Circle the dates: Friday evening, May 19th and Saturday, May 20th.

Look for the registration form in the conference flyer with this Roadrunner. I really mean it. I'm not kidding. We need YOU and YOU need the District 3 Spring Conference. SEE YOU THERE! Making all the right moves.

progresses and prospers
By Peg Lovell, CTM, Prescott Toastmasters

(When Peg Lovell moved to Prescott, she left Paradise Valley Toastmasters lamenting. Installed as President of the Prescott group in August, Peg set as goals for the club letting the community know more about Toastmasters and increasing club membership. Her article describes the club's success and how it was achieved.)

The Prescott Toastmasters Club has had a tremendous increase in membership, enthusiasm and interest. Most of it, members feel, is due to the move they made last August to the classy new Sheraton Resort Hotel.

Energized by the move, club members and officers began to capitalize on their new location and devised special efforts to share the benefits of Toastmasters with the community.
In September they put together an information booth at the Yavapai County Fair (a first for the club) that sparked the interest of the community.

The club is reaching out to the community in other ways, as well, with a Youth Leadership Program at Chino Valley Elementary led by club treasurer Mike Dueppen.
In September the club also kicked off a membership drive led by committee members Debbie Waugh, Jerry Dolyniuk and Carolyn EIlsworth. They divided the club into two teams, headed by Phil Elsworth and Michelle Gliddon. Encouraged to bring guests, the members responded eagerly, and the membership drive netted 11 new members.

The revitalized Prescott Toastmasters will be hosting the Area N-1 speech contest on Sunday, April 9, 1989, at their handsome new location in the Sheraton Resort Hotel.
This effort will serve as a warm-up for the fall, when they will welcome the entire district to the Sheraton for the District Fall Conference on November 17 and 18, 1989.

Prescott Toastmasters meets on Tuesday mornings at 6:45. They welcome guests. For more information on the club, call Peg Lovell at 778-1284.

Donna Berry, ATM, Northern Division Lt. Governor schedules division speech contest for Sunday, April 9 in Prescott.
What is under the sheet? A new member - Michele Gliddon
Under this sheet is what every club needs, wants, and should be working towards," stated Peg Lovell during one or her enthusiastic club building speeches. What is under the sheet?
Jean Boudette, Area N-l Governor.

(photo) George Barnett, ATM,  Prescott, served as District 3 Governor in 1977-78.