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 The Roadrunner - March 1989 - Page 4                                                       PAGE 1 | PAGE 2 | PAGE 3 | PAGE 4 | PAGE 5 | PAGE 6 | PAGE 7 | PAGE 8

 The Roadrunner - March 1989 - Page 4                                                       PAGE 1 | PAGE 2 | PAGE 3 | PAGE 4 | PAGE 5 | PAGE 6 | PAGE 7 | PAGE 8
The airlines are working much harder to deal with the problem of lost luggage. This morning I saw a picture of my suitcase on a milk carton.

Was it only 
ten years ago?
That UA Granada officers included law student Ron Early and real estate student Rich Richter?
That Milt Wood was Area 5 Governor?
That the spring conference was at the Hilton Inn in Tucson, and the cost was $20.00?
That elimination speech contests (what are now the division contests) filled the Saturday morning of every state conference?
That Betty Gillis was a finalist at the evening speech contest banquet at the district conference?
(Courtesy Virginia Anders, DTM, District 3 Historian).

The flu season is in full swing. The only thing good about the flu is that it's the only time I look like the picture on my driver's license.

(photo) Carolyn Riley and Tony Raimondo were the Best Functionaries of
1988 at Gas House Gang.

(photo) Kathy Klausner, ATM, gave an exceptionally good speech for new officers at SRP

Scanlon to toddle 
off to Tulsa
(photo) District 3 Humorous Speech
Contest Winner Cynthia Scanlon
will represent the district at the
Region Ill Humorous Speech
Contest in Tulsa, Oklahoma, June
23/24, 1989.

Cynthia will be following in some fine foot steps. Administrative Lt.. Geff Wilson, DTM, the 1987 winner represented District 3 at the regional contest this past summer in El Paso. Peter Spaw, ATM, the 1986 winner went on to Lubbock the following summer and won the very first Region III humorous speech contest.

Gary Parsons shows what he means in the game ot racquetball during his #4 basic manual speech as Easy Risers members follow his court lips.

(photo) Gas House Gang officers (L to R) are: Lisa Pubins, treasurer; Mike Pitts, president; Angela Hardesty, immediate past pres; Al Cardonas, sgt. at arms; Lanelle Rowland, secretary; Gregg Ross, administrative V.P. and (not shown Margaret Foster, educational v.p.).

(photo) Jeff Young, ATM, the 1980 winner of Toastmasters' World Championship of Public Speaking presented a motivational speech to a central valley officer training session.