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 The Roadrunner - July, 1989                                                  PAGE 1 | PAGE 2 | PAGE 3 | PAGE 4 | PAGE 5 | PAGE 6 | PAGE 7 | PAGE 8
 The Roadrunner - March 1989 - Page 8                                                         PAGE 1 | PAGE 2 | PAGE 3 | PAGE 4 | PAGE 5 | PAGE 6 | PAGE 7 | PAGE 8

Why do I rush to seize the reins of hurry and pull, risk money, allow myself to feel defeat -- to give up, making way for failure? My health might be gone, strength dissipated, Yet
I must pause instead, for the good I have committed to mind and spirit is mine forever.

Jeane E. Clymer, CTM ~ 1989
Valley Toastmasters

A foggy day in London Town won't
get these Toastmasters down!

By Karen Burr, ATM Roadrunner Editor

Christmas brought new rain-coats and long johns, so when Lee Wagner, ATM-B, and Bob Wagner, ATM, reach London this spring, they'll be ready for their two-year stint.

Lee and Bob are happily antici-pating the move. District 3, on the other hand, is, well, dismayed. Lee is District Treasurer and Bob is Apache Division Lieutenant Governor, so their loss will be especially felt.

Bob is being transferred by IBM, for whom he will be doing programming systems work and future architecture (or, at least, something that sounds like that!)

Lee is an accountant (thank heavens for the traditional, understandable, professions) with Deloitte Haskins & Sells and has her resume in with the company's London office.

Bob and Lee are members of Aztec and Old Pueblo Orators.
Bob is also a member of Benson Early Risers.

Everyone who knows them will miss them, but, the good news is that they expect to return to Tucson at the end of the two years. In the meantime, adios, auf Wiedersehen and au revoir to two Arizona Toastmasters who will be much missed in District 3.

Knowing proper procedure may
make the difference
Backus offers the basics

In Toastmasters knowledge of parliamentary procedure can save embarrassment, make meetings more efficient, preserve individual rights to speak. Still, in Toast-masters we are usually joined together in a common goal, bonded in fellowship, rejoicing in friendship and humor.

The same is not always true in the outside world. In the some-times cutthroat world of business, in civic and organization meeting rooms where diverse interests fight to be heard, in these places the knowledge of parliamentary procedure can give you the power to make sure your views are heard. Sometimes, such knowledge can ensure that your views prevail.

Toastmasters throughout District 3 are especially lucky that one of the master parliamentarians in this country is making himself available to any club or group of Toastmasters who wish to learn this vital knowledge.

Russ Backus, DTM, Tempe and Dobson Ranch, former District 3 Governor and official District Parliamentarian for many more years than most of us have been in Toastmasters, is offering to
share his knowledge with his fellow Toastmasters. His only re-quirement is that transportation be provided, since he cannot see to drive.

Russ offers a one hour presentation of basics suitable for the general club member. For those interested in more detailed knowledge, he offers a series of three 2-hour sessions. He has purchased 50 copies of the con-cise book on parliamentary procedure by 0. Garfield Jones, so that participants can use them during the training sessions to develop their understanding and practice actual usage.

Russ teaches parliamentary procedure in classrooms and in professional organizations. He draws many students from unions, and recently did extensive work with the Electrical Workers.
For Toastmasters he recently did a presentation at Williams Field and is doing one for an upcoming area meeting. His hope is to reach Toastmasters through-out the district who are genuinely interested in the subject, so that they, in turn, can assist their clubs on an ongoing basis. Eventually, he hopes, the entire Toastmasters organization can someday be skilled in the use of parliamentary procedure.

Himself the teacher, he remains also a student. He now has the entire book of Robert's Rules of Order on tape and listens to it on a regular basis to keep his memory fresh.

For further information, or to schedule a presentation by Russ to your club, or to a group of interested members from several clubs, call him at 838-1567.

(photo) Chuck Vaulter Area D-3 Governor has been selected as a mentor for the new American Express club.
(photo) Lee and Bob Wagner, looking forward to those foggy days in London town
(photo) Delores Rowe, CTM, is Area C-2 Governor
(photo) Russ Backus. DTM, and Mary Backus. Russ, parliamentarian extra-ordinaire, is available for presentations to clubs and groups of Toast-masters on his special subject