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The Roadrunner - October , 1989 - Page 1                                       PAGE 1 | PAGE 2 | PAGE 3 | PAGE 4 | PAGE 5 | PAGE 6 | PAGE 7 | PAGE 8

The Roadrunner - October , 1989 - Page 1                                        PAGE 1 | PAGE 2 | PAGE 3 | PAGE 4 | PAGE 5 | PAGE 6 | PAGE 7 | PAGE 8

International convention report
Judy Darrh

They called it "Fun in the Sun", but there was no need to go outside where temperatures equaled those we had just escaped in Arizona.

It was far better inside the luxurious Marriott's Desert Springs Resort where Toastmasters 58th International Convention ran at full tilt for five fabulous, fantastic, full and fun days. The Palm Desert convention committee, created a gathering of unmatched education, friendship and good times. It was Toastmasters at it's very best.

We ate, we danced, we visited with old friends and made new ones, and in between tiiees, packed in more educational and business sessions than one could hope to ac-commodate. Just a sampler: Election of the new International officers, a little shopping in the International Education Center/Store, First4iiners Welcome, an exceptional Opening Ceremony featuring Doc Blakely, the annual busi-ness rineeting (including grand scale politicking and campaigning), Hall of Faine Pageant, Luncheon for Directors and Past. Continued, page 6

A jubilee of accomplishments
Dee Dees, Eastern Division Lt. Governor

The seventh annual July Jubilee awards banquet once again gave incoming officers a renewed enthu-siasm for their coming year of leadership within District 3. Mary DiCerho, ATM began the.evening with an invocation, and, keeping it in the family, dad Mike DiCerbo, DTM, presided as Toastmaster for the Jubi-lee. With his usual wry humor,~he treated us to sev-eral philosophical observations and exhortations such as "As you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters never point in the wrong direction."

Keynote speaker Bill Crawford, DTM, explained the five Trainable Skills of Leadership, and used the acronym LEADERS to remind us that we need to Learn, be Enthusiastic, have a good Attitude, be Dedicated, have Empathy, Recognize Responsibility, and have a good Self Image. Bill also pointed out that Toastmasters is a "Living Laboratory in Leadership", since we can try out ideas in our club before we try them on the job. Continued, page 2

(photo) District 3 Committee Chairs were honored with Distinguished Service awards dunng the 1959 July Jubilee, July 29, Fiesta Inn, Termpe. Left top right are: Bill Crawford, DTM, Pat Berardi, ATM-S, Juris Kursulis, DTM, Joan Makin, DTM, Brenda Scott, CTM, Virginia Anders, DTM, NancyDines, CTM, Mary DiCerho, ATM, Mary MargaretDockendorff, DTM, Karen Burr, ATM, Ron Case, ATM, Karen Grorili, CTM, Jim Kat, CTM, MikeDiCerbo, DTM. 
The Outstanding Committee Chair Award was presented to Joan Makin, DTM, judges Training Chairperson.

Educational Completions
(4/1 -6/30,'89)
Compentent Toastmasters (CTM)
Charles Post, Unda Weber, Deborah Waugh, Jerry Dolyniuk, Fran Van Cleve, Gerald Maly, Aly Graham, Anne Decker, Brian Anciaux, Virgil Bradford, Susan Layton, Jessie Deyoe, Lois Baghdasarian, Pamela Pauk, Steven Brooks, Kate Callihan, William Maitland, Burle Ullom, Paul Zimmerman, Edward Everett, Terry Sprouse, William Abbott, Mary Germanovich, William Bristol, John Smith, Larry Sanders Ross, Laura Breneman, Louise Ledyard, Duane Jones, Gary Schroen, Muriel Slack, Nancy Taylor, Roseann Chiurazzi, H. Leon Rawlings, Daniel Manion
Donald Johnson, Bridgett Wood, Becky Oakes, Kate Earley,  Wendy Saadi, Nancy Wolter, Michael Bohon, Susan Moffett, Marianne Morrison, Barbara Bua, Mark Colbert, Harold Gebhardt, Patricia Rector

Able Toastmaster (ATM) John Hilsdorf, Kenyon Painter, Virginia Granger, John Acord, Richard Crouser, Pnina Levine

Able Toastmaster (Bronze) ATM-B, V. Neal Nikolaisen

Able Toastmaster  (Silver) ATM4, Orval Nutting, Michael Mastrovito

Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM), Virginia ducational