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The Roadrunner - October , 1989 - Page 2                                      PAGE 1 | PAGE 2 | PAGE 3 | PAGE 4 | PAGE 5 | PAGE 6 | PAGE 7 | PAGE 8

The Roadrunner - October , 1989 - Page 2                                      PAGE 1 | PAGE 2 | PAGE 3 | PAGE 4 | PAGE 5 | PAGE 6 | PAGE 7 | PAGE 8
1988-89 Awards Recognition

Outstanding Committee Chairperson

Outstanding Area Governor

Outstanding Division Governor

Distinguished Division Governor 
William Bristol, DTM

Governors Distinguished Area
Ron Kovar, CTM, Area A-1 - Joan Newman, ATM, Area M-4 - Neal Nikolaisen, ATM, Area M-5 - Michael Mastrovito, ATM-B, Area W-1

Distinguished Area Governors
Mary Lee Madison, ATM, Area W-4 - Russ Reese, CTM, Area E-4  - Laura Del Peschio, ATM, Area S-1

July Jubilee, continued

International Director Pauline Shirley, DTM, who flew in from Washington, D.C. to be a part of the Jubilee, dismissed the past District and Area officers, and installed the incoming officers. Bill Bristol, DTM, was installed as the new Administrative Lt. Governor, and Geff Wilson, DTM, moves up to become the Educational Lt. Governor. GlennKnudson, DTM, was installed as our new District Governor. After his installation, Glenn confessed that his wildest dreams had nothing to do with Toastmasters, leaving us to put our imaginations to work. he then went on to challenge us to work together to "build a better district." He reminded us that with teamwork, we can accomplish so much more working together than any
one of us could do alone.

For the evening finale, outgoing District Governor Jim Davis, DTM, presented the awards to those who have worked hard this past year. Certificates of appreciation were presented to the District Committee Chairmen, and plaques were presented to the Area Governors arid Division Lt. Governors. Joan Newman, ATM was honoured as the District 3 1989 Outstanding Area Governor, and Mike Herskovits, ATM, was the District's Outstanding Division Lt. Governor. Glenn Knudson, DTM, and Geff Wilson, DTM, were presented with plaques honouring their outstanding work as Educational It. Governor, and Administrative Lt. Governor, respectively. Glenn Pike, DTM, was honoured for his hard work as the District Public Relations Officer.

As the evening came to an end, those present looked forward to a new, exciting year, knowing that indeed, "Teamwork Makes It Happen!"

(photo) Jim Kat, CTM, completed term of District Treasurer
(photo) Jim Davis, DTM, accepts past Governors plaque presented by International Director, Pauline Shirley, DTM
(photo) Jim Williams, CTM incoming District Treasurer
(photo) Outstanding Leadership and Devoted Service Award recipients, Glenn Knudson, DTM, and Geff Wilson, DTM, pose with  Jim Davis, DTM.
(photo) Cynthia Scanlon, District 3 1986 Fall Humorous Speech Contest winner, won 1st place in the Regional finals held in Tulsa, okra, during July.
(photo) Area Governors Joan Newman, ATM, M-4, Neil Nikolaisen, ATM, M-5, Ron Kovar, CTM, A-4, Michael Mastrovito, ATM-B, W-1, display ribbons to be presented to their Governors Distinguished Area clubs
(photo) Public Relations Officer Glenn Pike, DTM, receives Outstanding leadership plaque from past District Governor, Jim Davis, DTM.

Host club for the Fall Conference Will be Prescott  Toastmasters.