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The Roadrunner - October , 1989 - Page 4                                       PAGE 1 | PAGE 2 | PAGE 3 | PAGE 4 | PAGE 5 | PAGE 6 | PAGE 7 | PAGE 8

The Roadrunner - October , 1989 - Page 4                                      PAGE 1 | PAGE 2 | PAGE 3 | PAGE 4 | PAGE 5 | PAGE 6 | PAGE 7 | PAGE 8
Tall Tales Contest
by Stefan Petra President, Western Sages, and Jodie Kay, Metro Division Lt. Gov.

Would you believe the stories of Lynn Trost (Scottsdale) who told us about metal armadiltos running around Texas. Or Mike DiCerho (Easy Riser) who was looking for the secret of fine wine only to find that Pepsi Cola hits the spot? Would you believe that Bill Crawford (Scottsdalians) was up to his knees in fish and alligators? What about taking a trip into history. Viewing the past through the eyes
of myopic cameraman Bill Phillips (Scottsdale Camelback) and discovering how the Plymouth Duster was named after Bob (Western Sages) Kohtz's Uncle's handkerchief!
If you viewed all this with a bit of skepticism you were in the right place for the Area M-1 Tall Tales Contest and Officer Installation ban-quet held July 21, 1989.
Richard Rosenthal, Chief Judge, and Ken Painter, as contest chairman ensured that contest rules were followed. In addiuon to the fun, Ken Painter, in official capa-city as Area M-1 Governor, installed new club officers for the current term.

Able toastmasters
From july 1, 1988 to June 30, 1989, a total of 1,981 members world wide earned recognition as Able Toastrnasters, 299 received Able Toastmasters Bronze recogni-tion, and 136 earned the Able Toastmasters silver Award.
District 3 had 61 members achieve an ATM designation

Sandy Jernigan, CTM, Prickly Pear, mentors new club 'Dream Challengers" with sponsors Bill Bristol, DTM, and Daun Horttor.
Mike Mastrovito, ATM-S, presents award to Anna Cheung, Area W-4 Governor, for having the largest area attendance at a Western Division Planning Session. 
Bill Ritman, ATM, a sponsor of All States' Good Hands club.
American Express memers, at the Beardsly & I-17 faciliity, celebrated their successful effort to form a new club with a charter banquet at Monti's. Club president, Andrew Greese, accepts club charter from District Governor Glenn Knudson, DTM.
Lynn Trost first woman to join Scottsdale club, won 1st place in Area M-1's First Tall Tales Contest.
Installation of officers was performed Area W-2 Governor Nancy Walker, CTM. Officers are (left to
right): Marylin Corno, Secretary/Treasurer; Vicky Linsen, Sgt. at Arms; Lloydean DuPont, Ad. v.p.; Arlene Cronin,
Ed. v.p. and Andrew Greess, President.
Jim Burr, ATM, inspects his 'new member building blocks' structure. The building blocks were presented during the july jubilee as part of a district wide promo-tion to build new member growth.