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The Roadrunner - October , 1989 - Page 5                                      PAGE 1 | PAGE 2 | PAGE 3 | PAGE 4 | PAGE 5 | PAGE 6 | PAGE 7 | PAGE 8

The Roadrunner - October , 1989 - Page 5                                                   PAGE 1 | PAGE 2 | PAGE 3 | PAGE 4 | PAGE 5 | PAGE 6 | PAGE 7 | PAGE 8
Greyhound Earlyrisers 'Sells' Toastmasters
Karin Lowell, President

An advanced manual team concept promoting Toastmasters has been developed for Valley corporations by Avi Shalom of Greyhound Earlyrisers. In addition to introducing Toastmasters, speakers tell how to get the most 'return' on membership investment. By altering the focus, this program can be used as a motivational presentation for Toastmasters clubs.

Entitled Moving Ahead to the Big Picture: A Positive Trend in Toastmasters," the program explores development of communication excellence, leadership skills and success through commitment. Avi Shalom serves as facilitator for team members Katherine Scott, Karin Lowe!l, and George Stebbings.

Literacy Advocate
Peggy English, ATM, Area D02 Governor

Julie Kimball, Park Central, spoke at a reception on September 113, hosted by Volunteers ot Maricopa County, the Junior League of  Phoenix and the Virginia Slims Classic Tennis Tournament. As Arizona's Student Advocate, Julie thanked corporations that currently support the literacy program in the workplace and encouraged other corporations to become involved
Julie's dream is coming true. About 24 years ago, Julie heard a motivational speaker and decided she wanted to also become a speaker. So, she joined a Toastmasters club to learn communication skills; however, when she discovered she had to READ a manual, Julie sought help. That help led her to the literacy program and on her way to realizing her dream.

This is truly an inspiring story because not only is Julie a successful Phoenix businesswoman but also an excellent example of the literacy program and Toastmasters in action.

International Hall of Fame Excerpts

Presidential Citation
Each year Toastmasters International recognizes with a special award those members whose dedica-tion and service to the organization have helped it to grow and achieve.
These members contributions at the club, district and international levels have helped to maintain our organization's reputation as the world leader in communication and Leadership training.

Top Ten & DTMS

Park Central earned a place in T.l.'s Hall of Fame as one of 1988-89's Top Ten Clubs. Top Ten recognition is based on the Club Management Plan. Three of the Top Ten clubs are in the Philippines and two in Oklahoma City. Top Ten Club recognition was awarded to Park Central 1984 and to Paradise Valley in 1987.

Also listed in the Hall of Fame program were:
Outstanding District 3 Area Governor, Joan Newman, ATM, and Rita Kane, DTM, Outstanding District 3 Toastmaster and District 3's 1988-89 DTM's: Rita Kane, R.O. Hurford, Richard Crawford, Glenn Pike, Virginia Trudeau and Robert Wagner.

(photo) The spirit of the "Teamwork Makes makes It Happen" district theme was captured during the installation of new officers at Sammy Speaks. Left to right are: (top row) Peggy Wright, president, B. Zomok(standing in for sgt. at arms Dick Bailey), Meg Carmen, educational V.P., Kay Tompkins, Secretary/treasurer. (bottom row): John Neuner, administrative vp., Susan Dimptel (for bulletin editor Floyd Stevens).
(photo) Delores Rowe, CTM, receives a Toastmasters for her guidance as in C-2 Governor from past president Pat Loomis, CTM, and Educational VP. Irene Majava.
(photo) Julie Kimball.
(photo) Mark Colbert, CTM, Speakers Bureau Committee
(photo) Art Nieto, DTM, past International Director, received a Presidential Citation at the Palm Desert Conference.