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TheThe Roadrunner - October , 1989 - Page 7                                  PAGE 1 | PAGE 2 | PAGE 3 | PAGE 4 | PAGE 5 | PAGE 6 | PAGE 7 | PAGE 8

The Roadrunner - October , 1989 - Page 7                                     PAGE 1 | PAGE 2 | PAGE 3 | PAGE 4 | PAGE 5 | PAGE 6 | PAGE 7 | PAGE 8
A few minutes with membership
Kathy Klausner, ATM,  Membership

Has the summer chiselled away" at your membership? Are you looking to "nail down" some dynamic new mem-bers for your club? Now is the time to "dig in for the 1989-1990 Dis-trict 3 Membership Drive!


Our contest, which began August 1st  will help us build to our, goal and meet the challenge. Individual members who sponsor new members earn points, and those with the most successful records will be entered in a special sweepstakes. Clubs that grow will be eligible for ribbons, special bonuses at Conferences, and the chance to share their success throughout the District. YOU win, your club Wins,  we ALL win . Teamwork really DOES make it happen. Please talk to your Admin. VP for contest details. Future issues of the ROADRUNNER will devote space to sharing your club's successes and ideas. WE want to read all about YOU!

Members active in Speakers Bureau
Joanne Schlosser, ATM, Speakers Bureau

Here is a fist of .members who accepted speaking engagements in behalf of the Speakers Bureau and a partial list of where they spoke.
Ron Case, Kawainis, Soroptimist West Valley Singles 
Doris Ezell, Retirement Club, Kawainis, Lions 
Sandy Gibbons,  IRS, West Valley Singles 
Virginia Granger, Casa Singles, Parents Without Partners (2). Valley Presbyterian singles, West Valley Singles 
Arnold Huntley, Kawainis Club, Mesa
Grace Johnson, El Rinconcito, Business and Professional Men's Club of Tempe, Whispering Pi nes of Mesa
Anne Livingston, Singles Group, Retirement group
Ellie Marek, Civic groups, Kiwanis, IRS, nursing homes, retirement homes 
Dick Bailey, 3 Jr High classes
Roslyn Butt, Lions Club 
Betty Kjellberg, Friendship Village, Kiwanis Club
Juris Kursulis, Retired Businessmen's Club, Leisure World 
Elaine Kvitka,  Tempe Men's Club 
Virginia Mardeusz, AZ Prevention Convention.' Children of Preachers, Rotary Club - Scottsdale 
Michael Mastrovito, JTPA Summer Youth Expo 
Inocente "Sal" Salazar, Retirement home, women engineering organization and minority group 
Richard Scott, City of Phx Sr. club 
Scott Scholnik,  El Hambra High School, Association of Field Service Mgrs. 
Ken Snyder, D.D.S, Boy Scouts. Rotary, minority group 
Scott Tyler, M.D., Rotary. retirement group and 2 Op-timist dubs 
Charles L. Vawter,  Jr., Grad-uation address at a Business and Industrial School School for new citizens, Lions 
Nancy Walker, Humana Hospital
Jeff Young, Dow Chemicials, Builders Association & others 
Greg Friedman, Arcadia Rotary Club
Geff Wilson, Society of Construction Engineers

When you give a speech in behalf of the Speakers Bureau, please report it to Joanne with the organizations name and contact person.

Delores E. Rowe; CTM, Speechcraft Co-ordinator, Metro Division

When was the last time that you felt ten feet tall or that you could walk on' water?' Been a while? Do' I have a deal for you!

Be a SPEECHCRAFT co-ordinator! SPEECHCRAFT is an eight week "mini toastmaster"
course. It can be given at your place of business, to church groups, as an adult education course at a community college. Ideal class size is ten to fifteen students purpose is to help the participants overcome their fear of speaking in front of others and to think on their feet. At the completion of the eight week course, you will have a group of excited, enthusiastic, potential Toastmasters. In addition, YOU will experience a sense of ac-complishments and the exhilarating warmth that. comes only from the, selfsatisfaction of helping others to help themselves.
If you are interested in experiencing this natural high , please call me at 25'8-98'75 and I will be more than happy to help you.

(photo) Central Division, Lt Governor, Jo Ellis, DTM, conducts a Central Division executive council session at Guggies, Park Central. Area Governors and club presidents participated in setting goals for the 1989-90 year.
(photo) Joanne Schlosser, ATM, Speakers Bureau Chair person completes 1989-90 book in record time. Copies were mailed to civic and professional groups the last week of September.
(photo)  Delores Rowe
(photo) Deanne Erickson, DTM Speakers Bureau, South
(photo) Pat Berardi, ATM-S, Speechcraft, South

Speechcraft completions (4/1 - 6/30)
John Rickles - V. Neal Nikolaisen - Millicent Tuckman - Joan Newman