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The Roadrunner - October , 1989 - Page 8                                     PAGE 1 | PAGE 2 | PAGE 3 | PAGE 4 | PAGE 5 | PAGE 6 | PAGE 7 | PAGE 8

The Roadrunner - October , 1989 - Page 8                                      PAGE 1 | PAGE 2 | PAGE 3 | PAGE 4 | PAGE 5 | PAGE 6 | PAGE 7 | PAGE 8
Help Build Tomorrow's Leaders
Lettie B. Cale, Metro Youth Leadership

Toastmasters, would you like to share what you've learned about communication skills with others? Would you like a chance to practice your leadership and organization skills? Would you like to contribute to a better tomorrow for America? Then, conduct a Youth Leadership Program!
Toastmasters International developed the Youth Leadership Program especially for young people. The program, consisting of 4 weekly sessions, offers youth an opportunity to learn effective speaking, analytical listening, and critical thinking. Experienced Toastmasters lead the sessions which are conducted much like a mini Toastmasters meeting. The time tested principle of "learning by doing" is applied at every meeting. The students conduct the meetings serving as Toastmaster, speakers, evaluators and other functions.

Participants for Youth Leadership Programs can be found in middle, junior and high school classes. Coaches for the Academic Decathlon and Advisers of Vocational Student Organizations are especially interested in the program. It is successful with Scout troops, 4H Clubs, church youth organizations, Junior Achievement Companies, and Boys' Clubs.

A packet of materials containing a Co-ordinator's Guide and Students' Handbook is available from Toastmasters International. For more information call 252-1324.

Youth Leadership competitions
(4/7 - 4/30)
'Kathy Collins, Dolores Dees, Patricia Berardi, Weldon Dube, Williams Brooks, John Hilsdorf, Henry Morris, Richard Crawford, Burel Ullom, Steven Brooks, Jodie Kay, Michael Herskovits, Gary Gardner, Marge Cullumber

Ralph Werner Mesa Speak Humorist

The following Toastmaster's educational courses have been cancelled: 
Holding Audience Attention Using Firearms, 
Duties of the Timer Under Daylight Savings Time, 
Talk Your Way to Social Ridicule, 
Speaking With Your Mouth Full,
I Made $12.50 on the Speaking Circuit, 
Sylvester Stallone Guide to Gooder Grammar, 
Double talk for Bureaucrats,
Exercises to Improve Your
Figure of Speech.

Contest judges trained
loan Makin, DTM District 3 Judges Training Co-ordinator

Certified judges training was quite successful this summer. We trained a total of 120 Toastmasters, broken into the following categories: 40 - non certified (no CTM yet) | 39 - recertified | 41 - new certification 

Each  session was well attended and several good suggestions were made for future improvement  of the total program.
Officers, and of course all those Education Sessions that were tailored to Toastmasters from Podunk Hollow to Manhattan Island and every-where in between.

Our main problem this summer was the time frame before Fall contests start and getting up-dated lists out for those contests. I know this has created a problem and I apologize for the incon-venience created in procuring judges for this fall. Several suggestions have been made to help alleviate this problem so I am hopeful that schedul-ing will be more in line with District time frames next time we provide training.

I want to thank all of the facilitators for their efforts: Art Nieto, DTM; Mike DiCerbo, DTM; Jodie Kay, DTM; Suzzane Lennon; Mary Knudson; Jim Davis, DTM; Bob Allen; and Caryl Mroczek, CTM.
f you would like to learn how to become a facilitator, please call me for details.

(photo) Lettie Cale, ATM
(photo) Bob Gillis, takes over Youth Leadership in the south
(photo) Western Sages members (l-r) Johnnie Mills, Thad Desmond, Larry Cogdell and Lee Shapiro, participate in a judges training session at Crossroads Methodist Church.