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The Roadrunner, Arpil, 1990, Page 1 - PAGE 1 | PAGE 2 | PAGE 3 | PAGE 4 | PAGE 5 | PAGE 6 |

The Roadrunner - APRIL, 1990 
Volume 26, No. 3 - District 3 Toastmasters Quarterly Newsletter - Better Thinking, Listening, Speaking

Come Learn & Have Fun

Glenn Pike, DTM, Roadrunner Co-Editor

The 1990 District 3 a Spring Conference proposes to be an exciting event for Arizona Toastmasters. Convention site arrangements have been completed for the beautiful Scottsdale Hilton Resort & Spa, 6333 N. Scottsdale Road, on May 18 & 19.

"We are pleased tohave such a fine facility to showcase the excellent schedule of events, educational sessions, and the 1990 Toastmasters International District 3 Speech Contest'  says District Governor, Glenn Knudson, DTM. "I believe our Toastmasters will discover this conference to be among our very best."

Dean of professional speaking, founder of the National Speakers Associaton and Toastmaster for 50 years, Cavett Robert, starts Saturday's activities as the Conference Keynote Speaker.

"Cavett captured the Toastmasters International Speech Contest in 1942", wrote Karen Burr, ATM, past Roadrunner editor, in October, 1989 issue of the Roadrunner. "Then thirty years later, he received the coveted Golden Gavel Award presented by Toastmasters International to the nation's outstanding speaker in the field of leadership."

"Toastmasters go to the District Conference to increase their communication and leadership knowledge," says past District Governor Mike DiCerbo, DTM, "and for the same purposes they attend conventions held for their profession, business, or other areas of interest." "I go because I want to improve my personal and professional situation. I want to learn something - -and have fun while I'm learning." Mike says.

This Spring District 3 - is providing four educational sessions; "Can You Hear Me Out There - Effective Use of Microphones" by Art Nieto, DTM, "Reach Out And GRAB Someone; a speakers primer on obtaining and maintaining high audience attention", by Toastmaster International world championship of public speaking winner, Jeff Young, ATM, "Using Computers in the Toastmaster Club" by Mary Lee Madison, ATM, and "Communication and Television" by television program host and consultant Kathy Kerchner.

An afternoon business session which includes club presidents and educational vice presidents with the District officers will elect District Ts officers for the 1990-91 year.

Jeff Young, ATM (photo); Kathy Kerchner (photo)
Mary Lee Madison , ATM (photo); Art Nieto, DTM (photo)

School Daze Fun Friday
Dee Dees, DTM and Jodie Kay, DTM, Division Lt. Governors, Friday Night Co-hosts.

Come with us as we return once again to the thrilling days of yesteryear --- no it's not the Lone Ranger (or even the Loan Arranger) - it's BACK TO SCHOOL DAZE! Remember those early days of 1, 2, Ts and ABC's, Mickey Mouse Lunch boxes and Davy Crockett hats? Or the later days of bobby sox and 45's? Relive those times of fun and innocence!

Metro and Eastern Divisions are co-hosting this dynamic event at the DISTRICT 3 Spring Conference SCHOOL DAZE.
Come and enjoy the music, dance if you like, and enjoy some childhood games. Watch in amazement as our talented and creative Metro & Eastern AGs entertain us with songs skits, raps, dances, or whatever. Vote for the best team! Dress up or dress down for the occasion, but BE THERE! for a night of fun and serendipity!

Candice De Barr
Charles Barnes
Patricia Berardi
Olivia Berry
David Bums
Barbara Booniie
Marty Craig
Michael Cantor
Rich Castaneda
Margaret Carman
Dannita Coleman
John Chesney
Carolyn Cluff
Margie Collins
Reginald Cooper
Annnat Cheung
Suzanne Delap
Robert Drevitson
Phi Ellsworth
Martin England
Miguel Enriquez
Victoria Fagan
Anna Flynn
Wallace Fletcher
Rainer Fischer
Rich Freitas
Jan Gann
Mary Gibson
Bradley Graharn
Robert Grant