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District 3 Toastmasters Quarterly Newsletter - The Roadrunner -  April 1990 - Page 2  - - - -  
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Enlarged Editorial Content - page 2
Peggy English,ATM, Area D-2 Governor reports that Sammy Speaks conducted a 7 week old fashion "Battle of the Sexes" membership drive. The losing sex pre pared breakfast for the winners.

Mike DiCerbo, DTM, past District Governor and Visitation Committee chairman, was appointed Downtown Division Lt. Governor

Anna Cheung, CTM, Area W-4 Governor

Teamwork IS making it happen
Glenn Knudson, DTM Distict 3 Governor

We are approaching the homestretch in the District year. As I reflect on the past eight months, one thing stands out. It is how the leaders and members of District 3 have latched onto the theme "Tearnwork Makes It Happen." I sense a real willingness to work together. Special committees on Club Officer Training, Leadership Symposium, Judges Training, Club Extension, and Low Member Club Workshops are just a sample of the projects that required the efforts and time of many individuals. The willingness of Toastmasters, from new members to District Officers, to pitch in and help each other and all Toastmasters when asked was truly heartwarming. I wish space allowed me to list the names of all the people who have given of their time, energy, and creativity.

It is too early to assess the results of these team efforts, but progress is being made. We are on track to becoming a Distinguished District. If we continue working together as we have in the past, I have no doubt that we will make it.

As members of the team, Bill, Geff, and I have tried to be accessable to everyone. We have listened, offered advice, answered questions, and given support where we could. It is this working together that is producing results. As I travel around the District, I can feel the closeness, and the comraderie that are producing excitement and energy throughout the District.

'There is much yet to be done. Working together from top to bottom as a team, we can meet or exceed all of our goals. Our biggest challenge is to bring low member clubs up to charter strength. District Officers can't do it by themselves. The members of the clubs can't do it by themselves. Committees can't do it by themselves. It will take the combined efforts of all of those, as well as other concerned Toastmasters.

The months ahead are ripe with opportunities and challenges. I am confident that together we will make it happen!

Team members (1-r) Bill Bristol, DTM, Administration Lt. Governor, Glenn Knudson, DTM, District Governor, and Geff Wilson, DTM, Educational Lt. Governor.

Educational accomplishments

Toastmaster (DTM)
499 Dee Dees
499 Fred Dees

ATM Silver
3480 V. Neat Nikolaisen

ATM Bronze
4770 Sandra Donley
5027 Lee Ellis
2093 Juris Kursulis
4770 Darin Weiser

Able Toastmasters
3850 Judith Brown
2531 Allen Canfield
1751 Ila Carpenter
1631 Brian Cavanaugh
5056 David Geist
5565 Laurana Johnson
4517 Jerry Lerch
3850 Georgia Lewis
4029 Cecil Madclux
213 Gary Rogers
5027 Delores Rowe
1631 Scott Shcolnik
2083 Elsie Smith

Speechcraft presentations

104 George Barnett
5182 George Dunn, ATM
499 Dee Dees, DTM
499 Fred Dees, DTM
4770 Grace Johnson, ATM
4381 Bonnie Morgan, ATM
5182 Michael Mastrovito,
2093 Elsie Smith, ATM

Youth Leadership presentations

1772 Patricia Berardi, ATM
2531 Rose Byrne
4770 Bill DeBarba, CTM
2531 Judy Horensten, CTM
4770 Ernie Hughes, DTM
4770 Grace Johnson, ATM
327 Robert Kohtz, ATM
4770 Cindy Leshin, CTM
4770 Barbara Lehman
Avenaim, CTM
5182 Michael Mastrovito,
327 Johnnie Mills
2083 Will Passow, ATM
3480 Robert Russo, ATM
2531 Monica Silver, CTM
4770 Brent Smith, CTM
4770 Glenda Taylor, CTM
4633 Charles Vawter,
ATM (2)

Success/ Leadership presentations

1772 Patricia Berardi, ATM
5027 Lee Ellis, ATM
5318 Virginia Hannersen
5182 Brad Johnson, CTM
4770 Glenn Pike, DTM
441 Richard Saxton
4770 Brent Smith, CTM

Art of Evaluation
2531 Allen Canfield, ATM
5182 Brad Johnson, CTM
5565 Kathy Klaustier, ATM
2083 Juris Kursulis, DTM
4770 Glenn Pike, DTM

2083 Juris Kursulis, DTM
3643 William Bristol, DTM

Leadership Skills
2694 Art Nieto, DTM
4363 Art Nieto, DTM

5027 Lee Ellis, ATM

3480 V. Neat Nkolaisen, ATM

Build Your Thinking
Power - Flexibility
4770 Glenn Pike, DTM
4770 Darin Weiser, ATM-B

Build Your Thinking
Power - Ideas
4770 Ernie Hughes, DTM
