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District 3 Toastmasters Quarterly Newsletter - The Roadrunner - Page 3
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Enlarged Editorial Content - Page 3

Neal Nikolaisen, ATM-B, (right) changes an overhead gel as he leads District 3's "Train The Trainers" educational session. Toastmasters International's new SuccesslLeadership training module was chosen as a basic requirement for all toastmasters desiring to participate as officer training facilitators.

Pictured are: Dee Dees, DTM, Al Canfield, CTM, Marian Chiara, CTM, Mary Knudson, CTM, Glenn Knudson, DTM, Bill Bristol, DTM, Phyllis Stockman, CTM, Bos Alien, ATM, Marie Lambert, ATM, Mike Herskouitz, ATM, Jim Davis,DTM, Cindy Leshin, CTM, Grace Johnson, ATM, David Hubbard, CTM, and Pat Berardi, ATM-S.
Speak E's, listens during Marie Lambert, ATM, training session.

Controversial versus noncontroversial speeches

Mike DiCerbo, DTM Scottsdalions Toastmasters Judges Training Facilitators

Perhaps "Back Fence" conversations about controversial speech contest topics has caused contestants to avoid using controversial subjects for their contest speeches. if so, it is indeed closing the door on creative thinking and speaking.

In the District 3 Judges Training Workshops the facilitators lead the discussion concerning judging criteria. Our emphasis is that judges must make a conscious effort to remain objective while judging speakers. We stress that the speech must have a MESSAGE and the judges must remain objective regardless of the topic selected by the speaker. Regardless of personal feelings and beliefs the judges must judge the can tent of the speech, the delivery and the language.

I encourgage speech contestants to use controversial topics; howtover the topic must be presented tastefully, factually and persuasively.
If we don't dare to share, dare to try, we will all hear the same old 11 stew" served on a dif-
ferent platter.

Karen Gronli, CTM, (photo - right), District 3

Training Committee Chairperson, hands out graduation certifications following the morning program.

Meet the candidates

A new Administrative Lt. Governor for District 3 will be elected at the biisiness session scheduled during the Spring Conference in May.
Each club has two votes. They are cast by the club president and the educational vice president or their proxie.
Candidates for the office, in alphabetical order, are: Dee Dees, DTM, Eastern Division Lt. Governor, Joan Makin, DTM, Judges Training Coordinator and Michael Mastrovito, ATM-S, Western Division Lt. Governor (pictured right).
These candidates will be visiting your club, area, and/or division meetings prior to the Spring Conference. Take time to introduce yourself and get to know them and their qualifications for service as your district leader.

Spring Conference
continued from page 1

Also on the agenda for approval will be an area realignment plan.

"The Hall of Fame Awards Luncheon will be of special interest to club members", says Knudson. "Recognition will be given for both club arxi individual member achievements, including club membership, CMP, ATMs, DTMs, Outstanding District Club Bulletins, and Outstanding District Club."
The conference culminates with the evervirds Grand Banquet, the Outstanding District Toastmaster presentation, and the District Spring Speech Contest finals
The winner will progress to the Region III contest in Kansas City, June 2, 1990.
Beverly Wright, CTM Daybreakers, who won the District 1989 Fall Humorous Speech Contest will also be there to compete in Region 111's Humorous Speech Contest finals.
The World Championship of Public Speaking finals will be the closing event of Toastmasters International's annual convention scheduled for August 14-18, in Dallas, Texas.

Circle May 18-19 on your calendar, and join the fun at District 3's Spring Conference.

(photo) 1989 District 3 Humorous Speech Contest Winner, Beverly Wright, CTM

(photo) Dee Dees, DTM

(photo) Joan Makin, DTM

(photo) Michael Mastrovito, ATM-S
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