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District 3 Toastmasters Quarterly Newsletter - The Roadrunner - Page 4
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Enlarged Editorial Content = Page 4
(photo) Beth Reeley, CTM, Area D-1 Goueror
revealed Palm Lane'5 secret to attaining 37 quests at their lost open house; free food.

(photo) Laura Del
Peschio, ATM-S, Saguaro Division Lt. Governor

(photo) Shirley Wutz, CTM, Arco C-3 Governor lead two Youth Leaderships at Carl Hayden.

(photo) Joseph Berardi, Area S-1 Governor

Attending the executive session were several club officers, including:
Eilleen Sullivan Sly, CTM, Eye Speak, president.

Bill Abbot, CTM,
Educational vice-president, Twilight (far right), Nancy Nurnrich, CTM, President, Gilbert Toastmasters.

I wanted training

Jean Bliesener
Gilbert Toastmaster

As a Toastmaster of less than one year, my focus has been on working

through the CTM manual and striving to create and give better speeches with each attempt. I chow to attend the District 3 Judging Workshop because I wanted more information about what constitutes a good speech. I got exactly what I wanted. I finally understand what makes a speech a winnerl As a bonus, the training I received prepared me to competently judge what I am trying to be. in a relay race! I was then given the opportunity to hone my freshly learned judging techniques by listening to and judging Page 4

Educational committee reports during the District 3 Executive meeting, January 13, was highlighted with the computer showmanship of Success/Leadership chairman Lee Ellis, ATM. Helping Lee (center) spread out his computer message are (left to right) Scott Shcolnik, CTM, Joan Makin, DTM and Jodie Kay, DTM. Viewing this spectacle at left are: Steve Arbitter, CTM, Jean Bell, and (back to camera) JO Ellis, ATM, Central Division Lt. Governor.

two outstanding speakers, Kathy Klausner and Ralph McKenzie. I also became acutely aware of where the cutting edge falls between good and very good speeches.
I think Judges Training is to a speaker what blueprints are to a builder. Both provide a detailed design for creating and completing an outstanding piece of work. I highly recommend this workshop to every Toastmaster who has excellence in judging and in speaking as his or
her goal. 0

My unsung
Jeane Clymer, CTM Roadrunner Co-Editor

There are, within each club, members who we might call our "unsung heroes"- They seem to always do their assignments with extra enthusiasm and fill in where volunteers are needed.
In Valley Toastmasters there are also such persons. One is Irene Majava, CTM, who in any office she holds, does each task well and thoroughly. She attends district meetings, learm all she can about every portion of the organization so she can be of help to the officers, and calls when a member is absent. When a member is ill or has something special to celebrate, she is there.

From Capitol Toastmasters we hear of a special member who is one of those persons who knows what needs doing and stands ready to do it.
He has done the club bulletin for two years, putting one out weekly! The newsletter includes a two week schedule! What a benefit for the whole club!
Ron Case, club president, says Dan Merritt is an asset any club would be fortunate to have. We congratulate you, Dan, for your loyalty and hope each of us might emulate your