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District 3 Toastmasters Quarterly Newsletter - The Roadrunner - April 1990 - Page 6
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Enlarged editorial content - Page 6
(photo) Ken Painter, ATM. Area M-1 Governor

(photo) Glenda Hatfield, CTM, Area E-1 Governor

(photo) Maurice "Mo" Brown, CTM,Area S-3 Governor

District 3 Club
Leads Category
World Wide

Toastmasters Inter national's new Distin~ish ed Club Progr; for the first six months

was received by club presidents in late January.
The new program, which replaces the old CMP, provides club recognition in three c ategories by membership size (20+, 30+, and 40+).
Paradise Valley was ranked #1 worldwide in the 40+ category by Toastmasters International.
Distict Governor, Glenn Knudson, DTM, reported District Ts club standings in the February Governor's Gazette.
The top three clubs in each category within District 3, as of Dec. 31, 1989 were: (listed in descending order) Less than 20 members Camelback, Sofialkers, and Electric Toasters. 20 to 29 members: Twillite, Aztec, and Speak Us. 30 to 39 members: Chirp N'Chokel Voice of Motorola, and Thunderbird. 40 or more members: Paradise Valley, Park Central, and Papago.

(photo) Namy on, a charter member ucsons TMC Heartbeats, as she speaks to the Moscow University Toastmaster club.

sister clubs
Marian Chirara, CTM Area S-2 Governor

The TMC Heartbeats Toastmasters Club #5965-3 in Area S-2 is proud to announce its affiliation as a sister club with the Mos.

cow University Toastmasters Club in Moscow, USSR. This affiliation is being coordiated by Nancy Jackson, a charter member of the TMC Heartbeats, who is now working in the U.S. consulate in Moscow.

Future plans include the supply of much needed and hard to get Toastmaster items to the Moscow club and possibly the exchange between the clubs of videotapes of meetings.

Toastmasters and light bulbs

Ralph Werner, CTM Mesa Speak E's Humorist

How many Toastmasters does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Word of wisdom - 4 - One to change the bulb and 3 to see the light.

Topic Masters - 5 - One to start it and 4 to add their own twist.

Volt Counter - It depends on the wattage of the bulb.

Speaker - Just one but he rum overtime explaining his experience.

Toastmaster - None - The Toastmaster is not afraid of the dark.

(photo) Art Nieto, DTM, (standina~ discusses Judges Training tips with (I to r) John Eprown, Walkie Talkies, and Bill Brooks, ATM, Willie Talespinners.

(photo) A terrific trio of post District 3 Governors turned out for judges training sessions. Left to right are past District Gov emors Ralph McKenzie, (80. 81), Juris Kursulis, DTM, (78. 79), and Bill Crat4ord, DTM, (75-76).

Traveling trophy

Nancy Walker, CTM
Area W-2 Governor

Area W-2 now has a Traveling Trophy. This trophy was presented by the Area Governor, Nancy Walker to the president of Speakeasy Toastmasters, Tom Cox in December.

The trophy will be tra. veling between Speakeasy, Camelback, Walkie Talkies, Electric Toasters and American Expressors.
enever a minimum of two Toastmasters from one of the area clubs visits the club holding the trophy, the Toastmasters will be presented with the trophy to take to their club.