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undefined vetala's faeries

vetala's place of faeries

welcome to my site. it was originally a faerie site that i created back in 1999, and had other random things i was interested in, but it is now under construction and i am deleting a lot of it and trying to make it more useful to me. please sign my guestbook before you leave so i know you were here.

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things that you can find here are:

faeries gives some written information about the little people, pictures of faeries, as well as adopted faeries.

info on myself here is where photos of me are from photoshoots, as well as pictures from my life over the years. there is also some of my artwork from art school and life.

links to other people's sites.



touch the gir!

place of faeries Next Fairy
this fairy ring site is owned by vetala.

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want to join the ring? get the info.

wanna e-mail me? i am at yahoo as: faerieabsinthe