Aquarian Tabernacle Church English traditional Wicca P.O. Box 85507 Publishes "Panegyria" Seattle, WA 98145
Arachne Women's network P.O. Box 5128 Laurel, MD 20707-0984
Ar nDraiocht Fein Druid Fellowship P.O. Box 9398 Publishes "The Druid's Progress" Berkeley, CA 94709
Asatru Free Assembly Scandanavian/German Paganism P.O. Box 1754 Publishes "The Runestone" Breckenridge, TX 76024
Association of Cymmry Wicca Various Wiccan traditions P.O. Box 1866 Athens, GA 30603
Athanor Fellowship Shamanic Witchcraft P.O. Box 365 Medford, MA 02155
Avalon Pagan group P.O. Box 18423 Milwaukee, WI 53218
CASHEW Pagan/Wiccan network P.O. Box 26414 Alberquerque, NM 87125
Center for Shamanic Studies Shamanism P.O. Box 673, Belden Station Norwalk, CT 06852
Center for the Divine Ishtar Goddess religion P.O. Box 9494 San Jose, CA 95157
Church of All Worlds Formerly published "Green Egg" P.O. 212 Redwood Valley, CA 95470
Church of the Eternal Source Association of Egyptian God/dess P.O. Box 7091 religions Burbank, CA 91510-7091
Circle Pagan resource center P.O. Box 219 Publishes "Circle Network News" Mt. Horeb, WI 53572
Clan of Y Tylwyth Teg Welsh traditional Witchcraft P.O. Box 1866 Athens, GA 30603
The Council of Isis - The Witches of Salem c/o Crow Haven Corner 125 Essex St. Salem, MA 01970
Covenant of the Goddess Cross traditional Wiccan P.O. Box 1226 association Berkeley, CA 94704
Daughters of the New Moon Women's group P.O. Box 65 1525 Sherman St. Denver, CO 80203
Earth Song Community Pagan networking organization P.O. Box 16251 Baltimore, MD 21210
Eleusis Foundation Shamanic traditions and ritual c/o Phyllis Curott & art Rodger Parsons 85 Eastern Parkway #2E Brooklyn, NY 11238
Elf Lore Family "A practical Craft organization" P.O. Box 1082 Bloomington, IN 47402
Fellowship of Isis Goddess religion Clonegal Castle Publishes "Isian News" Enniscorty, Eire Free Spirit Alliance Alliance of covens and Witches P.O. Box 25242 Publishes "Free Spirit Rising" Baltimore, MD 21229
Goddess Rising Feminist Witchcraft organization 2441 Cordova St. Oakland, CA 94602
Grove of the Unicorn American Eclectic trad. Wicca P.O. Box 13384 Atalnta, Ga 30324
Heartland Pagan Association Association of Pagan groups 2237 West Morse Avenue Chicago, IL 60645-4850
Hernesgaard Pagan Circle Gardnerian tradition P.O. Box 620604 especially for teenagers Littleton, CO 80162
The Institute for the Study Extensive Pagan library of American Religion P. O. Box 90709 Santa Barbara, CA 93190-0709
Maidenspirit Pagan group c/o Eridani Productions P.O. Box 47111 Seattle, WA 98146
Midwest Pagan Council Association of Pagan groups P.O. Box 313 Matteson, IL 60443-0313
Moonweb Network of Pagans and Witches c/o Bone Blossom for peace and healing 983 Haven Avenue Redwood City, CA 94063
New Wiccan Church British traditional Wicca National Office Chapters in OR, WA, CA and WI P.O. Box 162046 Sacramento, CA 95816
NEXUS International Pagan/Wiccan P.O. Box 532256 networking organization Grand Prairie, TX 75053
Northern Way, Inc. Norse Pagan organization 45 S. LaVergne Publishes "Pagan Unity News" Northlake, IL 60164
The Oaken Door English tradionalist Wicca P.O. Box 31250 Publishes "The Vigil," and Omaha, NE 68132
"Moonkind" The Order of Osiris Egyptian God/dess religion P.O. Box 4084 Rochelle Park, NJ 07204
Oregon Pagan Association Organization for Pagans at c/o ERB Memorial Union University of Oregon at Eugene University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97402
Our Lady of Enchantment Wiccan seminary P.O. Box 1366 Nashua, NH 03061
Our Lady of the Woods A National Wiccan Ministry P.O. Box 176 and Resource Center Blue Mounds, WI 53517
Pagan Anti-Defamation League Group protective of Pagan BM Box 7097 interests London WC1N 3XX, England
Pagan Counseling Network Pagan correspondence network c/o Ginny Brubaker 1532 West Victoria Chicago, IL 60660
Pagan Federation Craft organization BM Box 7097 London WC1N 3XX, England
Pagans for Peace Politically active Pagan group P.O. Box 6531 Station A Toronto, Canada M5W 1X4
Reclaiming - A Center for A feminist Goddess group Feminist Spirituality A drug/alcohol free group P.O. Box 14404 San Francisco, CA 94114
Re-formed Congregation of A women's Goddess religion the Goddess P.O. Box 6021 Madison, WI 53716
Reformed Druids of North America Publishes "A Druid Missal-Any" Also, Post Oak Proto Grove in TX c/o Bodfish Birch Grove in NH, and Greenwood Box 142 Grove in WA. Orinda, CA 94563
Rowan Tree "A Mystery School" P.O. Box 8814 Publishes "The Unicorn," and Minneapolis, MN 55408
"The Littlest Unicorn" Silver Web Shamanic Witchcraft P.O. Box 5628 Publishes "EarthSong" Baltimore, MD 21210
Southwest Earth Festival Puts on Pagan festivals in Association the Southwest P.O. BOx 26414 Alberquerque, NM 87125
Temple of the Elder Gods Shamanic Old Religion P.O. Box 4172 Publishes "The Waxing Moon" Sunland, CA 91040
Temple of the Silver Crescent Organization of Shamanic/ P.O. Box 5128 Ritualistic covens Laurel, MD 20707-0984
Women In Constant Creative Action (W.I.C.C.A.) women's spirituality group Publishes "On Wings" P.O. Box 201 Monmouth, OR 97361
)O( Blessed Be )O(