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"Gift a Child your Heart!"

Millions of helpless children the world over need your love: victims of natural disasters and epidemics; victims of malnutrition or even famines; victims of land mines or wars and refugees, victims of social unbalance, slums and street children, victims of sexual exploitation.

All the abused, disabled, abandoned and orphaned children in every place of our planet Earth, what they need above all is YOUR LOVE!

A devoted mother and a devoted father, the warm shelter of parental love, and for sure, proper feeding, proper education, proper care, and hope!

End Child Prostitution

Be their mother and father! Be their hope in a brighter future!

Sans Frontiere

X'mas 2000


For the 1st X'mas of the 3rd Millenium, make their dreams come true.


Gift a child your love

Lobby for X'mas 2000 Initiative
Through an approved NGO or intergovernmental organisation

· Setup your own organisational Committee.
· Collect "Hearts" to be sent to Helpless Children.
· Sponsor a Helpless Child education.
· Fight Helpless Children sexual exploitation.

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