I look up
From staring at the candle's flame.
Across the crowded bar,
You're stealing a glance.
I return your gaze,
My smile almost as sad as yours.
Your head shakes slightly
As if to apologize.
You've caught me off guard.
Before I could stage my front for you,
You noticed the state I'm in,
That I've fallen into impossible scatters.
Alienated by my own heart,
Outcast by the depths of my soul,
My mind an endless sea of oblivion,
Lost to dreams stolen from me
By one I would love forever.
I watch as you lower your head,
Wiping a stray tear from your cheek,
Knowing you couldn't save me
From the fate you decided.
I know you didn't want to hurt me.
You only did what you needed to do.
You were certain I'd get over you,
But I never learned how to let you go.
I never believed I'd ever have to.
You glanced up once again,
Only to find me gone.
You checked out the window,
To catch me driving away.
You were amazed to find me behind you...
L.C. 2000