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Color me exhausted.
My dreams are tied
To some tireless creature
And I can never catch up.

Color me confused.
I relied on a fantasy
To last a lifetime,
But it always felt so real.

Color me obsessed.
There’s this undying love
Buried deep within me,
It’s over and it won’t leave.

Color me enraged.
For letting go of myself,
Losing the control I had,
All in the name of love.

Color me defeated.
Trampled underfoot
Of a game I thought was reality,
An eternity I claimed as mine.

Color me insane.
A frozen soul with a burning heart,
A mind aching over the past,
A spirit infinitely lost.

Color me terrified.
My life is in pieces,
With no one to work the puzzle,
A frame reduced to ashes.

Color me misinformed.
Love was supposed to be forever.
Maybe there’s no such thing,
Or just not meant for me.

Color me dead inside.
Existing isn’t living.
Functioning is no longer an option.
Blood runs through the veins of an empty shell…

- L.C., 2000