One year ago today
In a fleeting moment where time stood still,
In a space where there was no air and yet I could breathe,
In a time when I was barely reaching out for friendship,
In a place where a beloved friend could tear you apart,
In a heart that only believed it was broken beyond repair,
In a soul which lacked everything including life,
In a woman who ceased to live and merely existed…
A name appeared from cyberspace,
Beautiful, yet unrevealing,
Simple words were spoken, greetings exchanged,
Games were played, laughter was shared,
An attraction formed, almost without notice,
Destiny unfolded, a path emerged,
Who could know that casual encounter would thrive…
On that day,
Two women locked glances from a distance,
Two hands reached into an unseen body to capture a heart,
Two arms embraced the heart and healed its wounds,
Two skeptics believed in love at first sight,
Two halves of the same soul finally joined,
Two worlds collided and gathered in rebirth,
And two lives became one…
-L.C., 2002