So bittersweet...
How much we look forward
To talking to each other...
How hard we try to find
A few precious moments together...
Over the space between us.
So many words to fill the void...
So little time to have them heard.
We falter, lose our way...
Thinking we’re missing so much...
And the words slip from our minds
Into the recesses of our hearts
And our souls do all the talking...
We still feel… still know
What would have been spoken
Had the voices not been silenced...
By the lack of expression.
In the clumsy silence...
We share breathing, heartbeats...
Unspoken passion and grief...
Overwhelming emotion...
The desire to say
What needs to be said.
Listened to by the other...
The message is loud and clear.
Conveyed through a bond
Which time and distance
Can not break or imprison,
And we miss nothing.
Except each other in the flesh...
-L.C., 2002