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From where I stand,
I am guided
By the light of your eyes,
Through any darkness,
Directly into your arms,
Where I am whole...

From where I stand,
I am amazed
By the love in your heart,
Through any obstacle,
Directly into your warmth,
Where I am reborn...

From where I stand,
I am intoxicated
By the magic in your words,
Through any torment,
Directly into your spell,
Where I am transformed...

From where I stand,
I am healed
By the song in your voice,
Through any distraction,
Directly into your comfort,
Where I am relieved...

From where I stand,
I am lifted
By the touch of your hand,
Through any space and time,
Directly into your depths,
Where I am inspired...

From where I stand,
I am blessed
By the gift of your smile,
Through any sadness,
Directly into your spirit,
Where I am soothed...

From where I stand,
I am mesmerized
By the taste of your kiss,
Directly into your needs,
Where I am enraptured...

From where I stand,
I am fulfilled
By the life in your breath,
Directly into your world,
Where I am alive...

From where I stand,
I am impassioned
By the fragrance of your beauty,
Directly into your desire,
Where I am consumed...

From where I stand,
I am overwhelmed
By the emotion of our bond,
Directly into your tempest,
Where I am swept away...

From where I stand,
I am destined
By the call of your dreams,
Directly into your soul,
Where I am as one with you…

- L.C., 2003