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Like a shadow,
You’re constantly with me.
With every step and every breath,
You move with me.
Forever a part of me.
Under sunlight, moonlight, or a rainbow of neon,
I always see you with me.
Feeling the comfort of your presence,
With the coolness of your whisper,
The warmth of your touch,
The softness of your breath,
And the strength of our love.
Even in the blackest night,
I know that shadows never leave.
They become all-consuming.
Surrounded and enraptured by you,
I’m never alone in the darkness.
Every day when I’m walking,
My friends wonder why I rarely look up,
And why my steps are slower than theirs.
They can never possibly know or understand.
I’m lost in watching your sweet distraction.
And sometimes when you dance
On the rain-washed ground,
The cool water brings you more to life.
Your face becomes clearer,
And it takes all the control I have
Not to lie down beside you...

L.C., 2003