So long ago,
You gave me wings,
And your love gave me flight.
But my head never left the clouds,
And as hard as I tried,
My feet never left the ground.
You had my heart before I knew what hit me,
Yet I’ve never made it into your arms.
Sometimes life gets in the way,
And reality has a way of clipping the strongest wings.
So the miles still linger between us.
Thank the powers that be love can never change,
Except to grow.
Maybe we were wrong in the beginning.
We fell so fast we forgot to be friends.
There was no opportunity for choice.
Something can be said for taking a step back.
With the depth of our love,
And a bond as strong as ours,
The time may have come to rediscover
Each other in a new way.
We’ve been spiritual lovers for years.
We can be comfortable here and now,
Just learning to be closer on a different level.
With a new tranquil clarity,
It may be the best thing for us to do
To get back something we've missed,
Until fate steps aside
And gives us a chance...
- L.C., 2003