Zac's Moments and Misc. Info!
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Zac's Moments and Misc. Info!

Once, before a concert, Zac got worried and threw up. Luckily, Tay and Ike calmed him down. (ahhh, brotherly luv!)

At one time, he was too short to play his drums, so he sat on a trunk. Unfortunately, he fell backwards in the middle of a concert!

Another time during a concert, while Zac was playing, his drums rolled off the stand!!! Ike, Tay and Zac all had to chase after them!!!!!

Once, 2 girls ran up to Zac and ripped off his shirt, leaving scratch marks (and blood!). He started to cry!!!

Again, once during a concert, he dropped his drumsticks
the following info makes me sad and mad!!!
When Hanson went to the World Series this year, they were booed by the crowd. Zac started crying right there! - Rebecca sent that in! Thanks!

Tay and Ike said they liked brunettes best, and Zac agreed with 'em!!

Not recently, he and Taylor were on a see-saw flinging rocks at each other. Tay flung one at Zac's nose and "all of a sudden there was blood everywhere!". In otherwords, Zac's nose was broken!

Once during a swedish interview, he had his moment and kept turning off the tape!!!

There'll definetly be more coming soon, but if you have anything additional to add to this page, please email us!!!!!!

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