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Charts Of Hell

Welcome, simple siblings! Welcome to the Charts Of Hell! In this section you will sizzle and fry and boil in your own blood unless you vote! Vote for what? Vote for your ten favourite movies, and your ten favourite songs!! Why? Because I said so! Open your email program now and mail you votes to!! Make sure it looks like this :

Subject : I'm voting for the hell charts top 10 movies : 1.blahblah=5(5 being highest and 1 being lowest) 2.blahblah=3.blahblah... top 10 songs : of song, name of artist=5 of song, name of artist=2 3. name... Get the picture? Cast your votes now!!
Best Movies
10. Nothing To Lose--5 votes
9. Armageddon--6 votes
8. Godzilla--7 votes
7. The Lost World--9 votes
6. Mortal Kombat--10 votes
5. Snake Eyes-- 16 votes
4. Jurassic Park-- 17 votes
3. Bean-- 18 votes
2. Armaggedon-- 19 votes
1. Saving Private Ryan-- 22 votes

Best Songs

10. Will Smith :Just Cruisin-- 3 votes
8. Boyzone : Picture of You-- 4 votes
8. I Wonder If Heaven has a Ghetto : 2pac--5 votes
7. Boom! Shake the Room : JJFP--5 votes
6. Niran : BaBa Black Sheep-- 6 vote
6. Fujis : Killin' Me Softly-- 6 votes
5. JJFP :Boom! Shake the Room-- 9 votes
4. Clap Yer Hands : Micro & Turfie
3. U2 : Sweetest Thing-- 14 votes
2. Will Smith : Just the two of us-- 15 votes
1. Will Smith : Gettin' Jiggy wit it-- 16 votes

