I got these from a friend, I did NOT write them, but they are true.
From True Spirit 99: The 10 Most Damaging Myths about Transmen and FTMs
10. All FTMs come from the lesbian community, and after transition are heterosexual. (That is, attracted to women.)
9. Transsexualism/transgenderism can be "cured" by psychotherapy. Transsexual men are really just lesbians.
8. FTMs did not exist until after World War II, with the advent of hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgery.
7. Female-to-Males are far rarer than Male-to-Female transsexuals.
6. Transmen seek to live as and be recognized as male in order to obtain male privilege and economic advantages.
5. All transmen exhibit stereotypically male behavior and want to be as macho as possible.
4. Taking testosterone makes Female-to-Male transsexuals much more aggressive and angry than they were before taking hormones.
3. All FTMs want genital reconstruction as the driving force of their transition, not necessarily the social aspects that go along with masculinity.
2. Historically, all women only chose to live as men to pursue careers that were otherwise unattainable to them, to seek economic opportunities, or to justify lesbian relationships.
1. Transmen are really just butch lesbians who change sex to justify same-sex relationships or to avoid harassment.