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Meditate for at least 10 minutes every day. Light the black candle (for deep meditation) and incense on your altar. Sit comfortably, chil level with the floor and you back to the altar. Check your breathing. Inhail count of 6, hold for the count of 4, and exhail count of 8. Repeat 10 times so that it comes natural. Clear your thoughts. Gently push out any negative thoughts from your mind. Don't try TOO hard! The object is to push all thoughts from your mind so that you are floating in total blackness for a few minutes. With time and practice, you'll be able to hold this state for longer. If it doesn't come the first meditation session, don't worry. Everyone is different. For some people it takes weeks before they can hold that state of total blackness. When you can hold that state, move on to visualization.


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