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Christmas TKO Punch


  1. Combine water & sugar in saucepan.Bring to a boil,stirring till sugar is dissolved.
  2. Pour sugar-water into large container.(I usually use those large plastic ice cream containers...of course, 1st you have to eat the ice cream, which I love to do).
  3. Add everything else..Simple Huh?
  4. Put in freezer till set. (It'll be slushy when done...not runny)

You can reserve a few cherries if you like to sprinkle on top for that festive mood.

If you can find an Ice Cream Bucket with Christman Motif on it...even better..or you can use the old standard punch bowl.

This is a punch with a punch, so plan on having guests spend the night or have a designated driver.

Merry Christmas to you all throughout the year!


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