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Pasta alla Putanesca

What you will need for Putanesca

  1. Heat the oil in skillet.

  2. Add the anchovies & whole garlic cloves.

  3. Cook until garlic browns & anchovies fall apart.

  4. Add red pepper flakes & cook a few seconds.

  5. Add tomatoes, olives & capers.

  6. Simmer sauce 30 minutes.

  7. Add the chopped garlic, parsley & basil & simmer a bit longer.

When putanesca sauce is done, pour over noodles (cook the noodles first, of course).

If you are reading this and you live in California, you can't use this recipe..that disclaimer was for Ed in California who so graciously gave me the recipe, along with the stipulation that I could have the recipe as long as noone else in California was given the's his specialty.Thanks Ed..Enjoy.

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