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Ridlehoover's Ramblings --- Me and My Family....The Information as told by the family Cat

Now that I have your full attention, let me tell you....


She began her life in a small Southern town, Sylvania, Georgia the year Peal Harbor was attacked by the Japanese. Being a protected only child, one of her outlets was to write. Maybe she came by it naturally since her mother was a newspaper correspondent with the Associated Press, Atlanta Journal, the Augusta Chronicle and the local paper and her daddy was a teller of tall tales. After being an honor graduate of Screven County High School, she headed out to beome a writer at Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Georgia. Unfortunately she ran into a professor who was more concerned with grammar and spelling than creativity. Too bad. With no hope of majoring in English, she switched to a major in biology/psychology and dissected several of my cousins. But she never gave up her desire to write because she felt it was meaningful, at least to her.

She divided her adult life between living in Arizona and Georgia where she taught almost every discipline in the sciences. She taught students to dissect distant nephews of mine. Isn't there some government agency I can call ? Ted, her husband, and she reared their two girls in Sierra Vista Arizona, then they returned to Georgia to take care of their parents. Now they are retired and are back in Arizona. She now has the time to write the way she would like, play golf, and travel ( 2000 miles to baby sit their grandchildren). By the way, they hold Camp Grandma/Grandpa during the summer. They always look forward to this event. I just hide under the bed until it is all over. Children can be such a pain, especially when they want to hold you or pet you or whatever...

Her Comments on The grandchildren: The 4 Little Chili Peppers.... Watch Them Grow

Garrett, Apple of Grandma's eye. Garrett was the first grandchild. He was born on Kathryn's birthday in 1994 so this makes him special. He is the most handsome child that I have seen in a long time. He could have very easily been a Michellin or Gerber Baby. At the "old" age of four he wants to be an astronaut.

Jordan, Grandma's beautiful Maryland Peach. Jordan was a Thanksging gift from God in 1996. She is a beautiful red head with huckleberry eyes. She seems to like athletics since one of her first words was ball and she can throw a ball well at 1 1/2. Hope she will like to play golf. Maybe Grandma will try this summer to teach her the game.

Lauren, Grandma's beautiful Georgia Peach. Lauren is fruit of the vine via Rebecca and Chirs. She has those huckleberry eyes and is a beautiful brunette. Think Grandpa has a new love in that he has spent lots of time with Lauren.

Maggie... another beautiful Georgia peach. She was born on election day in Nov 2004. Is this an omen that she will be a lawyer and politician? Let's hope so if she will be fair and honest like ABE.... We love you Maggie.

Family is very important to them. Their two girls very seldom gave them any reason to worry. They still want their advise and ideas. They may not use them but that is certainly the freedom of choice which Kathryn and Ted wanted them to have. Maybe they did something right. I know that I behave, most of the time. Or it could be the old saying "the child learns inspite of the teacher". At least the children learned what is right. I hope that their children will want to honor them as they have honored their parents. Ted and Kathryn are very proud of all of them. Her grandchildren have inspired her writing several books for their enjoyment. Lauren Elizabeth, received a poem next Easter entitled "Where Are The Golden Eggs". I hope Grandma will be remembered in a very special way, especially since she has gone to all this trouble. You know getting ink on her hands, carpel-tunnel-syndrone, and eye strain.

The Rest of the Family

  • Ted, hubby. He feeds me so I love him best.
  • Kathryn Elizabeth, daughter
  • Jeff, son-in-law
  • Rebecca Beal, daughter
  • Chris, son-in-law


  • golf
  • duplicate bridge
  • writing poems and stories
  • playing Trivial Pursuit, You Dont Know Jack, Clue,...any game.

