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LET US BEGIN....I hope that you will enjoy the author's efforts to show you.....

Friendships through the Eyes of Love

This is the newest addition to the friendship poems.....

When I Was A Little Girl

When I was a little girl, I was all alone.

No sisters, no brothers, no playmates, no one at home.

I wondered what it would be like to play ball with a friend.

It was not much fun playing a game where you always win.

One day, I uttered a wish on a passing breeze.

It fluttered towards the house tops, it wriggled through some trees.

It disappeared from sight and passed out of my mind.

I was engrossed by wild violets and a swinging kudzu vine.

The years passed ... friends came and went.

High school and college offered few friends that God truly sent.

Here one day and then gone, that's the kind they were,

leaving few traces on one's heart and memories ... only a blur.

I did not recognize you when you slowly ambled in.

I thought you were going to be just another friend

But you had qualities that were different. This attracted me.

You were honest, forthright, and you wanted me to be the best I could be.

Then I remembered the wish of so many years ago.

I wished for that friend to play ball with and to get to know...

To talk with ... a friend to last an eternity,

a friend I was hoping that you could be to me.

I could tell that you had taken many a difficult turn

on Fate's aging road map so God could make you learn

to cherish life and friendships all along the way.

Now I had found you and wanted you to stay.

On that special day my wish had taken physical form.

You, my friend, from my heart could never be torn,

by strife, mistrust or all those uncertain things

that tend to erode a friendship and sever the golden chains.

(KMR 00)

Some people come into our lives and quickly go.

Some stay for awhile but also go.

But others stay and leave footprints on our hearts.

We are never, ever the same.


Friends are the spices,

the meats,

and desserts of life.

We need a combination of all types for a balanced diet.

But on rare occasions in our lives

we may meet a special person,

that best friend, who, like milk, is totally complete.





In the relationships of an only child there is no forced loyalty and duty

as found in ties of blood.

The loyalty and duty is due to love and love alone.

The only child accepts his friends' weaknesses as well as strengths.

The love of the only child supercedes time

and is his promise to his friend that they will meet in a future time.

The only child's love for a friend symbolizes that unconditional love

which cares but does not smother.

Love that does not fear the presence of another.

No matter the year, month, hour or day,

the only child will walk hand in hand down Friendship's Way.



My Sister

If I had had a sister I know what she would be.

She would have walked with the gods bearing a spirit free,

challenging others to be independent, daring me to be me.

Together we would have climbed those hills encountered in childhood days.

Together we would have mastered life by our daily play.

Our word to each other, there would be no stronger bond

on which to build a friendship to base our world upon.

And loyalty, this would have been an unspoken golden chain

that would bind us together in our days of sun and rain.

Some petty waring fits, I'm sure there would have been.

Both would have cried, each wanting our way, but love would eventurally win.

And when distances may cause us to part,

there could never be a separation.

Our hearts and minds are one over years of preparation.

If I had had a sister

I know that you would be her twin.

Since I have no sister,




In a life the seeds of friendship are sewn. From these seeds,if given love and care, friends will sprout . You will find an assortment in some gardens, while others have only one. Some gardens may even have weeds. But if cultured and loved, these too become a beautiful addition to the garden. There are old friends, new friends, acquaintances, family, and best friends. Each adds to the garden its own beauty. As each flower needs different substances to sustain life and beauty, so do friendships. Some are annuals and must be re-planted and cultivated each year. While others are perenials, blooming year after year. Whether one realizes it or not, the friendship garden is a reflection of ones own ability to be a friend.

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