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I was traveling down a long and tiresome road

when suddenly there appeared before me a lovely rainbow's end.

A shimmering, refreshing rainbow, God's covenant in the heavens,

a promise to man of hope, of love, that all has been forgiven.

Many times before I had tried to reach the lovely rainbow's end,

never succeeding, disappointed, but eager to try again.

I spied a weary traveler coming from the other way,

he just happened to pass through the rainbow's end that day

I waited until he reached me and asked how it felt

to enter the mystic rainbow, to pass through its colored belts.

The traveler looked at me as though I was babbling on.

"What rainbow? I have seen none."

"The rainbow, sir, you just passed through.

I saw it completely surrounding you.

The pinks, the blues, the greens, they all embraced your form

and made your surrounding world appear enticing, peaceful, warm."

Was it like a wonder fairyland -- rosy, pink and gay?

Or was it made of blues that gently turned to gray

Was the world a prettier place for having passed through?"

Oh, how I wanted to know and pass through a rainbow too.

"No, there was no rainbow's end, no fairyland, no gold.

Just the same old journey to endure with some rain along the road."

As he passed on his way, I turned again to find that mystic place -- rainbow's end --

where lies the dreams of time.

Then suddenly I realized, he really did not know that he had passed through rainbow's end and had experienced that glow.

One can only experience the exhilaration of the shades of pink and blue

by watching another traveler through rainbow's end pass through.

For if we try to pass through that glorious rainbow's end

the only thing of which we are aware is that it is raining again.

Kmr 1986