What you find within these pages is only what I know, as taught to me by my grandmother. I have practiced these ways for over 35 years, as my ancestors have for over 3,000 years. These pages are intened for an audience who is already somewhat familiar with RUNES. For beginners, this is a great place to start ... to learn; but in the end we must all find our own way to our own center
The Celtic culture, of which the Druids are the priests and priestesses, teachers and healers, is based upon personal freedom and responsibility. Knowledge liberates us from being at the mercy of the forces beyond our control. With this knowledge we are better prepared to deal with what is to come and, at times, we may redirect those energies completely. This is common sense and good decision making, based on additional information.
The RUNES are a method of reading the conditions or elements in the present. Somewhat akin to using a mirror, through the RUNES we see the reflection of ourselves and those around us, in a way we cannot see with our eyes. They help us to use our intuition in evaluating the probable future.
RUNE History
First 13 RUNES
Second 13 RUNES
Seven Sacred RUNES
Ground Cloth
Initiation of the RUNES
Moon Cycles & Ceremonies
Workshops & Readings Available
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Updated: December 16, 2001