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Welcome To My Love Life Tips

Update 3/16/99

I am so sorry for ruining the past eighteen years of your life! I know you wish you never met me and I know that u probably hate me but I seriously would of married you to me if I could! You are all I ever wanted but you didn't even want to try and make me stay! I love you with all my heart and I so wish that I wasn't alive so I didn't have to live without you! I hate myself more than you will ever realise.
Pay Close Attention to Your Loved One.

Our partner is a flower. If we take care of her well, she will grow beautifully. If we take care of her poorly, she will wither. To help a flower grow well, we must understand her nature. How much water does she need? We look deeply into ourselves to see our true nature, and we look into the other person to see her nature. God speaks to you through your heart. God brings peace to your life. You can know happiness, and you can know love. There is nothing else worth knowing.

The Top 10 Ways to Create Marital Magic

These are words of magic for your relationship, use them wisely.

1. Stop blaming.

2. Forgive all that you can.

3. Know that loving is giving and do it.

4. Loving is not perfect; understand this.

5. Identify the reality of your marriage.

6. Understand the good times and create more of them.
Knowing where you are and where you want to be gives direction.

7. Identify the three most important elements of your marriage.
knowing your goals will direct your intentions and increase satisfaction.

8. Increase giving. Giving creates a positive life force which comes back to you.

9. Identify your "love dreams." Understanding the reality of your dreams and how to create them will increase satisfaction.

10. Visualize your dream and make it happen. The energy of visualization cannot be underestimated.

You never know what you have until it`s gone,
So appreciate everyone and everything.

Love Tips are approximately 3-minute vignettes that show common challenges that couples face, and solutions for greater communication. These are from Love Life Radio Show in Hawaii.

Love Tip # 1 - "Good Communication is Direct"

Love Tip # 2 - "What She Really Means..."

Love Tip # 3 - "Men & Women Talk About Feelings Differently"

Love Tip # 4 - "How To Fight Fair"

Love Tip # 5 - "What's Behind Those Chronic Arguments?"

Love Tip # 6 - "Good Listening Is Good Loving"

Love Tip # 7 - "Men & Women's Needs For Intimacy"

Love Tip # 8 - "How We Express Our Emotions"

Love Tip # 9 - "Learn To Be Nice"

10PM Monday-Wednesday Evenings on KWAI 1080am in Honolulu

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Below are some Archived Love Life Shows for your listening pleasure...

"Stop Memory Loss" - Guest: Bill Cone
Matthew & Angelina speak with Bill Cone who talks about how to stop memory loss and how to improve it as well. Fascinating information.

"Sex in Space? A Heavenly Idea" - Guest: Gene Meyers
Matthew & Angelina speak with Gene Meyers, a former TRW industrial engineer who has dedicated the last 15 years and over $80,000 of his own money to finance the Space Islands Project.

"Prostitution" Guest: Former Madam & Author Ruby
We discuss prostitution, sexuality, and related topics with "Ruby" on this Love Life Show. She is the author of The Brothel Bible: A Cathouse Experience that looks deeply into this age-old occupation. Come join Matthew & Angelina as they have some sexy fun.

"Conversations with God" Guest: Neale Donald Walsch
Famous Author Neale Donald Walsch discusses the little and big questions that face everyone in life; Who are we? How do we find love? What's my true purpose? All that and much more on this Love Life Show with Matthew & Angelina.

"The Animal Within Us" - Guest: Jay D. Glass, Ph.D.
Here's a fascinating scientific look into our behavior based on research and information from the animal kingdom. Is Homosexuality a genetic thing like how tall you are? Is there such a reality as consciousness? What is it about criminal behavior? And those teenagers, what's up with them? Have a listen to this show.

"What's Love Got To Do With It? Guest: Nancy Pollard
Nancy makes love her specialty. As a Psychotherapist she has seen (and heard) it all. On Love Life Radio, she shares some insight with us regarding our patterns, our ego, and about evolved & conscious partnerships. Did you know that love is not only blind, but it is deaf as well. Listen to this show and find out why.

"Are You in Love With A Vampire? Guest: Helaine Z. Harris
Are you in a realtionship with someone who drains you? Have you ever been with a friend and left feeling exhausted? Helaine Harris discusses how we can begin `Healing the Relationship Drain Game' with Matthew & Angelina.

"The Stuff of Heroes" with Author William A. Cohen
Bill Cohen presents the high road to leadership through the eyes of hundreds of outstanding chief executives and combat leaders. Check out his Web site, called

"Find It Online" with Author Alan M. Schlein
Award-winning reporter/producer Alan Schlein joins Matthew & Angelina for an in-depth look into online research. We discuss ways to get that vital information you really need, whether "Big Brother" is watching us, and a little about the Monica Lewinsky scandal {we couldn't resist, since Alan is in DC!}. Check out Alan's Web site,

The "X Spot" -- Extended Orgasm with Sexpert Debbie Tideman
A new way to make love is the topic on this installment of Love Life. Debbie Tideman talks about her book, The X Spot Orgasm. Learn how to give women Hour-Long orgasms, once you have mastered how to access the "X Spot."
Phil Patton, Author of "Dreamland" discusses `Area 51' & Roswell
Phil Patton joins Matthew and Angelina to discuss his book, Dreamland:Travels Inside the Secret World of Roswell and Area 51 which is an incredibly well-written book, well researched, and from a different point-of-view than you're used to hearing. Be sure to visit Phil's Web site when you get the chance.
Dr. Brian Breiling, Author of "Light Years Ahead" is our guest.
Dr. Brian Breiling gives us an interesting look into the benefits of Full Spectrum & Colored Light in Mindbody Healing.

The Famous "Fight Show"
This show always gets a lot of attention from our audience because it is a show where Matthew & Angelina had an on-air fight. People appreciate it because we're able to show the less-than-perfect side to our relationship.

"Body Language Secrets" - Guest: R. Don Steele
R. Don Steele is the author of "Body Language Secrets" and "How To Date Young Women {for Men Over 35}." He was in-studio with his young & beautiful wife and we discussed everything from soup to nuts....

"Divorce With Decency" - Guest: Attorney Brad Coates
The top Divorce Atorney in Honolulu, Brad Coates, discusses relationships from a different perspective, that of a divorce lawyer. It's an interesting look behind-the-scenes as to what really takes place. His new book, "Divorce With Decency" shows that a couple can treat one another as human beings and not necessarily as enemies.

"The Sexually Tuned Body"
Our guest apparently was too pre-occupied to appear on the show to discuss her book about the "Sexually Tuned Body" so we just made the best of it. We had a nice time; Friends §leepless & Yaana joined Angelina and Matthew for a kooky night on-the-air. If you've ever felt yearning, then this show is for you!

"The Wart King: The Truth About Love & Lies" Guest: Dr. Greg Baer
Greg's Web site profiles The Wart King describing how all the fear, anger, and unhappiness in the world comes from an absence of unconditional love. The book tells how we lie to hide ourselves, and how those lies make us even more unloved and lonely. The Wart King also describes how we can tell the truth and find love.

"The Truth About Relationships" with Author Greg Baer
Greg's second appearance on the Love Life show profiles his personal story, `Real' versus `Imitation' Love, and his Masterpiece book called "The Truth About Relationships"...

"A Simple Guide To Understanding Children" Guest: Galen
Galen's book is super. We spent most of the show doing Galen's readings, which are based on his system of numerology & birth dates.
"The Thinking Person's Guide To Sobriety" Guest: Bert Pluymen
Bert Pluymen was insightful, delightful & humorous as he discussed a sensitive topic. His book touches the heart while electrifying the mind...
"31 Days To Increase Your Stress" Guest: Tricia Seymour
Tricia's playful tongue-in-cheek personality was a great fit for the December 22 Christmas Week show.

"A Celebration of Love & Laughter" Guest: Greg Tamblyn
Greg was in Honolulu for his concert and dropped by the Love Life studios to offer our listeners a musical joyride into the profound and the absurd. He sang tunes from his most recent CD called "Art From The Heart" and also mentioned that he has a Web site at It'd been a long time {almost 4 years} since we saw Greg and it was a delightful on-air evening.

"Shaman, Psychic, Magic Man" Guest: Steven Rogat
Steven was a lot of fun - he did "readings" for people on the December 16 show, which is always a popular feature on Love Life
"Dining With Headhunters" Guest: Richard Sterling
This show marks a very special time for us. It was originally broadcast back in early 1995 when we first got online (who knew we'd be running one of the busiest Web sites in the world less than one year after that). Additionally, because Matthew is a former professional Chef (and now a restaurant reviewer for two Honolulu newspapers) the interesting food stories with this guest was especially enjoyable.

Love Life "Angelic Readings" Show...
Angelina has spent many years as a counselor. She understands patterns of behavior, combining her varied skills along with her intuition to create a brand-new system for her Angelic Readings. This show was one of the very first Love Life shows where she did her readings on-air.

Tech Talk's Ken Rutkowski does Love Life...
Ken is a kick. He is the host of a Web show called Tech Talk based in Chicago. This show was broadcast in early December 1997, just a few short weeks before Ken's marriage to his co-host Angela Evans.

The "BreastFeeding" Show
Matthew's not quite sure what to do in situations where a mother is breastfeeding. Well, it happened to him again at a friend's home.

Margie Lapanja, Author of "Goddess in the Kitchen"
Margie joins Matthew & Angelina for a night of Food & Passion. Lapanja is a card-carrying member of the "Wild Woman Association," who are passionately dedicated to encouraging uninhibited behavior. Margie tells us about what her choice for a "seduction dinner" would consist of and has us all drooling. So grab your sweetie and some of your favorite snacks and join us for a night with the "Goddess in the Kitchen."

Gail Bernice Holland, Author of "A Call for Connection"
Gail Holland joins Matthew and Angelina to share solutions for creating a whole new culture. Through interviews with pioneering researchers and activists, Holland documents a worldwide shift in values - values that emphasize integrity, compassion, and spirituality. We really enjoyed this show, and we know you will too.

Shay Stephen, Stripper & Author of "The Naked Eye"
Shay Stephen is a stripper in the San Francisco area who has written the book, "The Naked Eye" - A True Account of A Stripper's Journey. She says, "What I have is a unique view of the world from standing naked in the middle of it." Give this show a listen and get a sense of what it's like to shake-it for a living.... Check out Shay's Swingin' & Strippin' Web site when you get the chance...

Harry Browne, Author of "How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World"
A special evening with Harry Browne, a man who ran for President on the Libertarian ticket in 1996. Harry discusses topics ranging from his 10 books {that have sold over 2 million copies}, to computer culture, with personal freedom and a touch of politics thrown in for good measure. Visit his Web site -- you'll be glad you did....

Keith Ellis, Author of "The Magic Lamp"
Keith Ellis shares himself and a lot of information from his book, "The Magic Lamp" {Goal Setting for People Who Hate Setting Goals}. Learn about ways to enrich yourself, find out about cause & effect, and discover how to make that special wish come alive. Check out Keith's Web site while you listen to this show!

Dr. Rob Gilbert - World-Class Motivator
Rob Gilbert is the Editor of Bits & Pieces, the pocket magazine that motivates the world. He discusses success, motivation, and hope with Matthew & Angelina. You may visit his Web site for more wonderful information after listening to this show.

Tempt, Tantalize & Tease Your Sweetie with Romantic Adventures!
Susan Musleh is a sassy entrepreneur who rips apart "The Rules" of dating and spins them into an irresistable romantic adventure with Matthew & Angelina in the Love Life studio. You'll become a pro at the ABC's of romance...!

Mirador, 21st Century Prophet joins us - {from December 1994}.
This show is something special. It's a stream-of-consciousness program with a magical friend named "Mirador the Elfin Mage," who delighted, amazed and amused us. This show was taped just before New Year's Eve 1994, when we were getting ready for the first ever Internet Multimedia event at the Honolulu `First Night' Celebration that we called "Aloha Goes Worldwide."

Andrew Mason, author of "Victory From Defeat"
Do you possess the 4 characteristics of Sucessful People? Andrew Mason shares some of the most uplifting stories of now-famous people who overcame adversity. He talks about courage, perserverance & flexibility in a warm and friendly way, in this installment of Love Life.

Debbie Ford, Author of "The Dark Side of the Light Chasers"
Debbie Ford joins Matthew & Angelina for this wonderful show on "Reclaiming Your Power, Creativity, Brilliance, and Dreams."

Harvey Dean, author of "Changing Education."
Harvey Dean is a visionary educator and businessman. Please give this show a listen if education and our future is of interest to you.

Dan Brown, author of the Thriller Novel, "Digital Fortress."
A fascinating look into Internet privacy issues, espionage, spies, World Wide intrigue and more! After listening to this show, you'll want to visit the Digital Fortress Web site to get caught up on what they already know about you....

Remote Viewing with Prudence Calabrese
Remote Viewing is a technique developed by the military to gather intelligence using trained "viewers." Remote Viewing is the ability to correctly perceive and describe detailed information about a remote place, person, or thing...regardless of the normal boundaries of time & space. {We also find out on this show that Remote Viewing makes women very hot!}

Actress Cec Verrell visits with Matthew
Matthew's best friend from Los Angeles, actress Cec Verrell, staying with Matthew at the famous Love Life mountaintop retreat, sits in for Angelina on this evening of loving fr iendship & reminiscing.

Actress Cec Verrell Says Goodbye
Cec reads her very sexy food-related loving Ode To Matthew, Matthew scolds the listening audience, a brief discussion on Same-Sex Marriage leads to sparks, and a new seg ment for Love Life Radio, "Somewhere in Hollywood" (Live weekly reports by Cec) is announced.

Ok, Switch To Plan "B" - Our Guest Didn't Call-in!
Sometimes you just have to make lemonade when life gets out of control. Our guest didn't call-in to the show, but it gave us {mostly Matthew} a chance to rant a bit. Angelina did some of her Angelic Readings also...

Richard Sherman discusses The Internet for Seniors
Matthew & Angelina speak with Richard Sherman, author of "The No-Nonsense Guide to the Internet for Seniors" in a warm and insightful program from June 1998. Visit Richard's Web site and say aloha to him for us.

"Love & Power" is the latest book by Bestselling author, Lynn Andrews
Lynn Andrews has a profound understanding of love and power. Her new book will add to the legions of Lynn Andrews fans worldwide. We invite you to listen in on an insightful and intimate perspective...

"The Love You Deserve" {10 Keys to Perfect Love} by Scott Peck
Scott Peck is full of love. He shares some of his insights & experiences with Matthew and Angelina. He is the self-proclaimed "Happiest Married Man on Earth" so tune in and find out why. Scott has a Web site located at where you can take an online love quiz!

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