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Some of my Favorite Pictures

Here is ME!!

On our way back from our road trip to San Diego, we stopped at the sand dunes, this is Brye and I sitting on a wall of sand.

This is me at Bank One Ballpark in Phoenix, AZ right before seeing the Braves play.

Party Pics

Here's Dave and I at his going away party in December.

The infamous Senor Amigos! From the right, my friend Sarah, Kelley, then me.

Dancin on the bar, yes ON THE BAR, in Nogales. Me, Brye, then Kelly.

The culture in Nogales is wonderful, we're enjoying all of it, can't ya tell? *L* Here's a laughing Brye, then Miko, Eric, Robert, and me. :-)

This is Eric and I before a Halloween party. :-) Oct 30, 1999

Ok so I met like all these people that night. From left to right there's me, Adam, Eric, Penny, and Eric. The rest of the people I don't remember their names. *L*

On Halloween, we all went to Cryptic secret. There's Eric, Brye, Jason, and me.

Eric and I went to a mutual friend's birthday party one night, I don't know, apparently he saw something in my shirt or something. Who knows LOL we were drunk.

Here's my roomie Sarah and I all dressed up. (we don't usually get THAT dressed up)

Ok so we decorated our hall for halloween. From the right, Sarah, then up Leroy, below him is Leah, then me, and Amanda.

These are my friends in Indianapolis (my new "home") at Planet Hollywood. First Dan, Amelia, Me, Natalia, and then Alison.

Here's me in my car, gotta love those cheesy pics you can take in the car. *L*

Cheryl, former Wildcat, now back in Texas.

My Pages
A few of my favorites
My Suns Page
My Braves Page
My Swim Page

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Some other favorite pictures!
Cheryl's really spiffy page! *S*
