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The Newest pics. (01-27-00)

So this is pretty much where I spent every weekend of my summer, down in Bloomington. So here's Me, Missy, Natalia, and Willy.

Road Trips

This is from when Chelsea and I got stranded in San Diego, Mike (the guy in the middle) and his roommate Shane, were nice enough to give us a place to stay. :-)

Brye and I took a couple road trips to Venice Beach last year, this was on our way out to Venice Beach from
Edwards Air Force Base. See, Shane, Me, and Brye.

Once we got to Venice beach we decided that even though it was February we were going to get in the water. Needless to say it was a little chilly. :-)

This summer I was in Indianapolis, but decided I HAD to see the Braves play. SOOOO in May I drove to Milwaukee to see them play the Brewers. FUN STUFF!!

The infamous trip back to AZ.....I stopped to see Jen in Oklahoma City, this was our big party night.

Later in the night we decided to go dancing, well we stopped at 7-Eleven on the way to get gas. So of course that meant PICTURE TIME. (sorry this one is a little blurry.....drunk friend taking the pic LOL)

San Diego :-)

Alright so my roommate Lisa, Brye, and I took a road trip to San Diego in October, well there was one of those hidabeds there, and when we all sat towards the back, the bed tiped back, we almost got stuck!! LOL

On a couple of the days we went to the beach. One of the days, Brye made a sandman, and this is him. :-)

Oh and of course in San Diego, there's always good looking guys! This one just happened to go skating by. :-)

Just some more new pics

This is Dave and I before the Army ROTC Dining Out, December 4th, 1999.

Here's Eric, me, and Nick before the ROTC Dining out.

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