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Some great people in my life

Here are some really great people, all wonderful friends that I know from everywhere. If you want to be added just let me know

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Steve is a wonderful person. He's made a great impression on my life, and definitely means a lot to me.

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Although I've just met Jason, he's a pretty cool guy, and I'm enjoying making a new friend. What can I say, he's a sweetie (sometimes LOL) :-)

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Erin's awesome, she's a great friend, we tend to help each other out. When it all comes down to it though, we both like to party! Someday we'll party together.

Check it out! A baseball player on MY page. Woo hoo. Anyone who knows me, knows I love baseball. Jason's another great friend of mine. :-)

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Rich is a cool guy, firefighter out in Cali. Check out his page, I did some work on that.

Dusty is my proof that not all frat guys are jerks. (LOL) Another great person to talk to. :-)

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This is Jason, with his friend Ed, down in Nogales at Senor Amigos. He's a cool guy, and a wonderful friend. Unfortunately we don't talk much more but he's still a cool guy. There are more pics from his trip to Tucson on his page.

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