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el tiempo = weather
¿Qué tiempo hace? = What's the weather like?
la temperatura = temperature
¿Qué temperatura hace? = What's the temperature?
el grado = degree
el clima = climate

hace (mucho) sol = it's (very) sunny
hace (muy) buen tiempo = the weather is (very) nice
hace (muy) bueno = the weather is (very) nice
hace (muy) mal tiempo = the weather is (very) bad
hace (muy) malo = the weather is (very) bad
hace (mucho) calor = it's (very) hot
hace (mucho) frío = it's (very) cold
hace (mucho) viento = it's (very) windy

hay (mucha) niebla = it's (very) foggy
hay tormenta = there is a storm
está (muy) nublado = it's (very) cloudy
llueve/está lloviendo = it's raining
nieva/está nevando = it's snowing

hace un día (muy) caluroso = it's a (very) hot day
hace un día (muy) frío = it's a (very) cold day
hace un día (muy) soleado = it's a (very) sunny day

el cielo está despejado = the sky is clear
el cielo está nublado/nuboso = the sky is cloudy
el cielo está cubierto = the sky is overcast
brilla el sol = the sun is shining

hace fresco = it's cool
la lluvia = rain
la llovizna = drizzle
la nieve = snow
la tormenta = thunder-storm
los truenos = thunder
el relámpago = lightning
el temporal = stormy weather
el hielo = ice
la helada = frost
el granizo = hailstones
la niebla = mist/fog
templado = mild
seco = dry

To talk about the weather in the past, use the following verb forms:-

Where the present tense form is HACE use the word HACÍA

Where the present tense form is ESTÁ use the word ESTABA

Where the present tense form is HAY use the word HABÍA

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