despertarse (me despierto) = to wake up
levantarse (me levanto) = to get up
lavarse (me lavo) = to get washed
ducharse (me ducho) = to have a shower
bañarse (me baño) = to have a bath
vestirse (me visto) = to get dressed
ponerse (me pongo) = to put on
desayunar (desayuno) = to have breakfast
comer (como) = to eat/have lunch
almorzar (almuerzo) = to have lunch
cenar (ceno) = to have dinner
merendar meriendo) = to have a snack/picnic
hacer picnic (hago picnic) = to have a picnic
hacer las tareas de casa
(hago las tareas de casa) = to do the house-work
hacer la cama (hago mi cama) = to make the bed
fregar los platos (friego los platos) = to wash up
hacer la compra (hago la compra) = to do the shopping
planchar (plancho) = to iron
arreglar (arreglo) = to tidy up
ordenar (ordeno) = to tidy up
limpiar la casa (limpio la casa) = to clean the house
pasar la aspiradora (paso la aspiradora) = to vacuum
lavar la ropa (lavo la ropa) = to wash the clothes
poner la mesa (pongo la mesa) = to set the table
quitar la mesa (quito la mesa) = to clear the table
escuchar la radio (escucho la radio) = to listen to the radio
ver la televisión (veo la televisión) = to watch television
jugar a (juego a) = to play [games/sports]
tocar (toco) = to play [instruments]
salir (salgo) = to go out
volver a casa (vuelvo a casa) = to return home
lavarse el pelo (me lavo el pelo) = to wash one's hair
peinarse (me peino) = to comb one's hair
cepillarse el pelo (me cepillo el pelo) = to brush one's hair
lavarse la boca (me lavo la boca) = to brush one's teeth
afeitarse (me afeito) = to shave
acostarse (me acuesto) = to go to bed
dormir (duermo) = to sleep
dormirse (me duermo) = to go to sleep
soñar con (sueño con) = to dream of