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To Wendy & Mike's

Box of Rain

Hi!  Welcome to our web page!   This page is constantly under construction so please come back and visit often to see our updates!  Here you can find some of our favorite links, our phish page and our  dead page.   If you're interested in a tape trade, check out our tapelist   and our wish list.  And please sign our guestbook. How else will we know you were here?

Peace and Love,
Wendy & Mike 

P.S. Tell someone how much you appreciate them is assured to make your  day a greater one.

My Tapelist!!

Links -  Some of my favorite links

Need a hug??

Wendy's Phish Bowl-  My Phish Page! - discography, tour dates, recent 
        setlists, photo gallery, my phish survey...
The Music Never Stopped-  My Grateful Dead Page! - lyrics, photo
            gallery,  dead survey...

Two Kynd Sisterz! - My web page with my best friend Jill!
          Kynd Sisterz! -  Join our community!!
Join our very own webring! The ~*~Kynd Sisterz Webring~*~ was created to bring kynd sisterz together to spread their love, soulfulness, & smiles across the web.

Drunk On The Moon -   Our Tom Waits page!


A Cool Psychedelic Visual Screensaver Acidwarp
Heres a Cool Perception Distorter. Mindwarp Stare for 30 seconds and look away!
Another visual screensaver:Dazzle

Some good inspirational books worth reading:

Siddhartha   -   Hermann Hesse
Way of the Peaceful Warrior  -  Dan Millman
Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior   -  Dan Millman
The Laws of Spirit  -  Dan Millman
Don't Sweat The Small Stuff  - Richard Carlson, PhD
Tao of Pooh  - Benajmin Hoff
Te of Piglet - Benjamin Hoff
Spiritwalker - Hank Wesselman
Medicinemaker - Hank Wesselman

Someone once said: What goes around comes around.

   Work like you don't need the money.
   Love like you've never been hurt.
   Dance like no-one's watching.
   Sing like no-one's listening.
   Live like it's Heaven on Earth.


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This ~*~Kynd Sisterz Webring*~* site is owned by 
Wendy & Mike.

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~*~Kynd Sisterz Webring~*~?

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