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Song: "Hava Nagila"


Equipment: Cassette Tape Player, Soprano Recorder and Sheet Music for each student,

Cassette recording of Hava Nagila

PREREQUISITES: (This lesson is aimed at a sixth grade class)

CONCEPTS: Students have been singing and dancing to Hava Nagila, and understand how to read music.

SKILLS: Students have basic proficiency on the soprano recorder.

MUSIC: Students must have copy of Hava Nagila, which is found in their books, and a recorder part, which I will provide for them.

OBJECTIVE: To have the students play a simple recorder accompaniment along with the recording of Hava Nagila.

TEACHING TIME: 10-15 minutes

  1. GOALS:
  2. The students will learn how to sing the song Hava Nagila on pitch and with the correct rhythm by clapping the repeated rhythms and by noting the different sections of the song and how they compose the form. The mood of the song is a Hebrew dance song from Israel.

    2. T. Did you enjoy singing and dancing to Hava Nagila? (response) Well, today, we are going to learn how to play a very simple recorder part that goes along with Hava Nagila.

    1. First, let’s review the notes that we should know in order to play this song. Most of these notes should be ones that you have already learned, so let’s have a quick review. (T names each note, and then asks students who remembers the correct fingerings.) T then demonstrates correct fingerings so all students can see and model. Then they all play the note together. This is repeated for each note that needs to be learned)

Next, we will go through our recorder part, section by section. (T plays a section and then students imitate. If students have difficulty, T may have them name the notes each time before imitating what the teacher does. This continues until every section is covered.) Now, Let’s play the whole part together. (This happens.) Finally, let’s play this part while Maurice Sklar plays the melody on violin. (Done as directed.)

CLOSURE: Excellent job, class! We are now done with the music part of our Israel unit and are ready to present it to the parents next Tuesday. We’ll practice more before the event. You learned all of the parts very quickly!