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'N Sync Articles !!!!

What they look for in a girl.....
Lance: "Someone very outgoing and friendly. I like the innocent type-sweet,shy,someone who can be my best friend. My ideal girl is not someone I'm phyically attracted to at first, we just totally hit it off. Best friends for awhile and then it grows into something."
Joey: "Someone who always looks on the bright side of things. Honest, looks aren't everything, but I'd like a girl who can maitain herself, keep up with herself."
Justin: "Positivness. It's hard to find a girl who's positive about anything these days. Optimism, that's what I'm looking for ! A little optimism in a world or sarcasm and pessimism."
Chris: "I like beatiful girls with nice personalities."
J.C. "A girl who is secure as attractive. Too many people walk around ashamed and unsure about how they feel about how they look. They are so wrapped up in how they look, that they don't take the time to enjoy what's going on around them. You can't even look at someone if they don't look you in the eye."
-Article taken from Teen Beat May 1999-