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Funny Or Cute Things BsB and 'N Sync have said !!

Brian: On the Backstreet Boys The Video the boys are singing Just to be Close to you and someone goes "the boys have to go eat lunch now" and Brian looks at the camera and goes "we gonna go eat luunnnccchhhh !!!"

AJ:(talking about when Howie was younger) I saw pictures of you when you were younger, you little chunk ! Chunk ! Chunk !! Chunk !!!

On the Backstreet Boys All-Access Video Nick is dressed as a mummy.He approaches the stock, picks up one of the bars and says "I know what this is for.ACTION!" then he runs away, giggling like a little maniac.

Nick:Yeah, me and Puff(Daddy) go way back AJ:Yeah Nick, you and Puff the Magic Dragon! Nick:You're not funny

AJ:The wave of the future, hey skipper where we going today ? Howie:Yo homme gilligan, we's going back to the islands. AJ:Word ! Howie: To your brother ! *thanx to Ali for those*
In the *N SYNC *N The Mix video, it's a few moments before they show the music video for '(God Must Have Spent)A Little More Time On You', Justin is talking about it. "It's a wittier way of telling someone how special they are."
"Girls are like exotic birds. Pretty to look at, but hard to catch. And they fly away easily." -Howie D.
"Welcome to Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. Sorry Mr. Rogers can't be here today. I'm taking his place." -AJ (making of 'Everybody(Backstreet's Back)'. AJ is in his phantom of the opera costume)
"I could use a hug every day but I am not likely to get it." -Kevin
(What do you do when fans throw their underwear on stage?) "We take it home and wear it!" *said by all of them!*
"I'm very soft, you know!" -Brian
"If we've been to a scary movie or something and we're sharing a room, and the lights are off when we walk in, Nick will go 'It's dark in here, isn't it?' And he's not trying to be funny he means it!" -Brian
"The caring's the most important thing when a girl gives you her heart." -Nick
"I never hang my feet off the end of the bed - I'm afraid little gremlins will bite my toes! Really!"-Nick
"I have two scars where I had my appendix taken out, but only people who know me really well get to see them cause they're at the bottom of my tummy!" -Brian
"Yeah... I get bras sent to me all the time...I dunno what to do with them cause I can't wear them!!!" -Brian
"The Only Person That I Would NOT Want To Loose To Would Be That Marilyn Manson Dude"- Brian Talking About MTV Awards In Europe
"If I want to kiss [a girl], I'll say 'Can I kiss you?'... I can't just move in, I have to ask, because if the girl's not comfortable, then I'm not comfortable." -AJ
Talking about Brian~"When he went into the hospital, it really hit home. It was a wake-up call to make me appreciate every day that I have with him and to never take things for granted. I'm so thankful he made it through."-Kev
"I’m usually the mature one who’ll sit back and not apologize!" -Nick
I feel like a corn-cob right now.~Brian
It's the retro cowboys 'r us, AJ look-a-like.~Brian
"Howard..."-Fatima... "Censored!!!"-Brian
When you come to LA, you have to dress like this.~Nick "No, maybe when you come to LA you gotta dress like this."~Howie "Well Howie, why are you dressed like this?"~Nick "Cuz I'm in a video shoot.(laughing)"-Howie
"He's the one who put me in the corn-ball lookin' outfit."-Brian
"It's gonna play into the video, like we are having wardrobe changes... (hick accent)like we're havin' wardrobe changes. See, we come out here, put this crazy stuff on, and pretend like we're from somewhere else..."-Brian
-"I'm Cookieman! And this is my side-kick sprinkles."-pointing to JC
(Justin cried during Titanic)
-"I'll play basketball, but I am so bad at it. The guys make fun of me for it, but you know, I like to try things."-Lance
-"I talk in my a lot. My mom used to laugh at me because if she wanted to find out something about me, she'd come in while I was sleeping and start talking to me."-Justin
"I fell asleep on the plane and we landed and everything and I didn't know it. Lance had to smack me on the back of the head and go, 'Dude, the plane is empty. You're the last one.' I said, 'Oh my goodness." - JC
"I saw the movie Gremlins and I thought the gremlins lived under my bed. I remember when I was like 4 or 5 I had to turn the light switch off before I got into bed. So I'd turn the light off and run for my bed. About six feet before I'd get there, I'd leap as far as I could and get on the bed. I always had this fear of having this gremlin's arm reach out from under the bed and grab my leg." -Justin

If you know of any funny or cute things that BsB or even *N Sync have said email me and tell me. Email: