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Introduction to Various Prayers

Temple Beth Shalom
A Reconfomadox Chavera

Green Valley, Arizona

Ma tovu - A welcome to the house of the Lord. Every formal prayer begins with this beautiful prayer.

Kedushah - A prayer declaring God's sanctity with the words of Isaiah, "Holy, Holy, Holy".

Shema - The most famous of all Jewish prayers, the Shema is a biblical exclamation affirming our monotheistic principle.

Mi Chamocha - This melodious chant is a song of pure adoration.

Amidah - This prayer is known as the "Standing Prayer". Also known as tefillah.

Alaynu - Prayer offering God's ultimate reign and the unique destiny of the people Israel.

Kiddush - Prayer recited to inaugurate a special day or event and to proclaim its sanctity.

Mi Shabayrach

Oh faithful healer of the sick, hear our prayers. We call unto you at this hour of need for our loved ones, neighbors and friends. Heed our prayers. Thou who art a loving father to all thy children guide their doctors, nurses and care givers. Endow them with skill and patience so that they may be thy messengers to restore the sick to health and useful living. Amen.


May those in need find the strength and courage to be able to heal. With God's help, may the doctors, nurses and caregivers be endowed with the skills and patience to restore to the sick, the health which will renew their bodies and spirits, Amen.

Reading before Mourner's Kaddish

Because the Kaddish voices the spirit of the imperishable in man, because it refuses to acknowledge death as final, because it permits the withered blossom, fallen from the tree of mankind, to flower and develop again in the human heart, this prayer has sanctifying power. To know that when you die there will remain those who, wherever they may be on this wide earth, will send this prayer after you, to know that they will cherish your memory as their dearest inheritance - what more satisfying or sanctifying knowledge can you ever hope for? And such is the knowledge bequeathed to us all by the Kaddish.

And so, with faith in His eternal wisdom, those who mourn rise to sanctify His name.

In memory of all those departed who are not represented here tonight, I'll ask the congregation to join the mourners as we recite the Mourner's Kaddish.

Blessing Children

For a girl: Yesimakh Elohim k'Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel, v'Leah.
May God make you like Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah.

For a boy: Yesimkha Elohim k'Efraim v'chi'Menasheh.
May God make you like Ephraim and Menasheh.

The above are followed by the priestly blessing:

Yivarekh'kha Adonai v'yishm'rekha. Ya'er Adonai pana v alekha viychuneka. Yisa Adonai panav alekha v'yaseim l'kha shalom.
May God bless you and keep you. May God turn toward you and be gracious to you. May God turn to you and grant you peace.

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