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are you sick of life?
have you reached the end?
do you fell hopeless?
ever wonder if there is more?

... more to this life than eating, sleeping, and working/going to school and then dying...
i asked these questions at one point in my life
you and many others have too
who is this christ that people push every where?
was he merely a man with a huge ego?
did he really live up to the outrageous claims he touted?

my answer is yea, he did
christ was god in the flesh
he came to this earth for you and me and we condemmned him to death because of our evil sins
you know that one thing for sure is true... that we are all evil...we all are horrid in one way or another.
this fact is proven by wars, rapes, murders, i could go on and on...

so, we are evil.. well who cares?? someone does care...
his name is Jesus Christ... and he is not some story book loser
he walked the same earth that you and i live on, about 2000 years ago.
he made alot of outrageous claims during his lifetime
one of those being that he was God in the Flesh.
you may think that is a bunch of b.s. but let me tell u, he lived up to his claims 100%
Jesus was killed for the crazy claims he made... however, his life did not end at that...
this crazy lunatic who claimed to be God rose from the dead and walked the
earth for a while, before he asended back into heaven
wether or not u want to believe this "crazy" story, u have to understand something...
this historical event was important enough for jesus's believers to write it down and pass it on...
some people [maybe u] believe that this bible story is a huge joke written by
the believers, however, i would like to give u an excellent quote from someone
who studied the bible, "the followers may have not seen Jesus, but they
definalty saw SOMETHING" and that something was big, and it prompted them to write the bible...

In order to have a relationship with Christ you have to pray to Him. Tell Him that you are a sinner and that you want His forgivness. Be honest with Him because He knows what is in your heart. Come clean of all your sin because he is ready to forgive you if you open your heart fully and honestly to Him. Always remember that He will never leave you. Even if life seems to get really stinky. JESUS WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU!!!

Thanks for reading, I hope that what I have said makes a good impression on you... God Bless

Some things i believe (take 'em or leave 'em)

- I believe abortion is wrong and is murder. i do not believe that is right for wackos to go and kill abortion docs just cuz they disagree. that is insane!! I think that people should pray for the doctors and don't take that kind of action. Support rock for life!!!

- i think that no one needs to get dressed up to go to church. that will not get you in good with "the big man upstairs"

- i do think someone should be baptised, but it is not mandatory!

- i do believe in witnessing at any chance you get. you have something special so don't keep it in!! let peopleknow about Jesus Christ TODAY!!

- i believe homosexuality is wrong. but no one deserves to be killed or humiliated for it! we are christians and we need to act like it. don't gay bash! that is not what jesus wants us to do! use the kindness that christ teaches in the bible. please, use love and not hate. unity is what keeps us together

- i think that Christians shouldn't cuss. we ruin our witness when we do.. and yes i know that we are not perfect, just forgiven (still, it is not an excuse mister!)

- i believe that god created all humans equal and no one is more supiriour than anyone else.

- i believe in every word out of the bible and follow what it says as best i can, which is not sayin' much

- i think that christians need to be less selfish and adopt more children. there are millions of russian children living in instituts because people have rejected them. that is no life for any one, especialy a child. if you want more info on how to adopt russian children email me at:
